Yves Jeanneau

Yves Jeanneau

伊夫·雅諾(Yves Jeanneau), 法國陽光紀錄片大會(Sunny Side of the Doc)和亞洲陽光紀錄片大會(Asian Side of the Doc)的創始人及總監。他創建了陽光實驗室,致力於跨媒體培訓。1984年至2000年,他合作創立了Les Films d’Ici公司,並擔任總監。


  • 中文名:伊夫·讓諾
  • 外文名:Yves Jeanneau
  • 國籍法國
  • 代表作品:《周日早晨謀殺案》,《皮諾切特事件》,《聖路易斯之旅》 


Yves Jeanneau是世界聞名的年度國際紀錄片交易大會Sunny Side of the Doc(陽光紀錄片大會,創辦於1989年)以及Asian Side of the Doc(亞洲陽光紀錄片大會,創辦於2010年)的創辦者和CEO;同時也在北美,南美(拉丁陽光紀錄片大會)和歐洲聯合建立了許多節展及論壇。
他於1984年聯合創建了法國製作公司Les Films d'Ic並擔任董事長至2000年。之後在Pathé Televisions紀錄片部擔任總監(2000-2001),隨後加入France 2 頻道紀錄片部(2001-2005),之後的2006年至2010年,Yves在Telfrance Group 集團製作紀錄片。製作的影片中包括2002年奧斯卡最佳紀錄片《星期日早晨的謀殺案》。伊夫在紀錄片這個行業從事了將近40年的工作,身份也在電影製片人、紀錄片銷售者、法國2台紀錄片部主任多個角色之間轉換。在國際市場中豐富的紀錄片製作經驗使他擁有了一個紀實節目製作方面的國際專業關係網。
為了促進中國、巴西和韓國等地區的高質量國際聯合製作並帶動這些地區紀錄片製作的專業化,Yves Jeanneau 會經常性的作為培訓者參與各種培訓,分享對於紀錄片市場的深刻認識和見解。


Yves Jeanneau is the founder and CEO of the annual international doc marketplace events Sunny Side of the Doc (since 1989) and Asian Side of the Doc (since 2010), as well as a dozen of co-production forums in North America, South America (Latin Side of the Doc) and Europe.
He co-founded and was General Director of the French production company Les Films d'Ici from 1984 to 2000. He then became Director of documentaries of Pathé Televisions (2000-2001) before heading the Documentary Unit of France 2 (2001-2005) and producing documentaries within Telfrance Group (2006 to 2010). His producers’ credits include award-winning films such as "Murder on a Sunday Morning"(Oscars® 2002). His long and rich experience of the documentary film production in the international market place, have allowed him to establish a global professional network in factual programming. After 40 years of working experience in the documentary field, he has the role of a film producer, a documentary seller and at the same timethe head of documentary department of France 2, giving him international connections in docu production.
He regularly shares his thorough knowledge of the documentary market as a trainer in different training initiatives conceived to reinforce his longtime mission of encouraging high quality international co-productions, supporting the professionalization of filmmakers and producers in China, Brazil, and South Korea.




《周日早晨謀殺案》2001 (奧斯卡獲獎紀錄電影)
《聖路易斯之旅》1995 等

