Yuan Longping:the fater of hiybrid rice

Yuan Longping:the fater of hiybrid rice

《Yuan Longping:the fater of hiybrid rice》是2019年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。


  • 書名:Yuan Longping:the fater of hiybrid rice
  • 作者:陳啟文
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508536606


Yuan Longping, the world-renowned “Father of Hybrid Rice,” is an outstanding agronomist from China and winner of multiple awards including the National Science and Technology Award, the WIPO Gold Medal for Inventors, the UNESCO Science Prize, and the World Food Prize. He has been devoted to hybrid rice research since his early 20s and has established a technological roadmap for super hybrid rice breeding. His accomplishments have contributed to China’s food self-sufficiency and the world’s food security.


Chapter One Youthful Aspirations
Hard Times
The Two Sides of Hankou
Youthful Aspirations
The Choice of Destiny
Chapter Two Yuan Longping’s Dream
Lost in the Maze
Yuan Longping’s Dream
Goldbach’s Conjecture in the Rice Kingdom
Inspiration from Nietzsche
Chapter Three The Man Chasing the Sun
In Search of the Natural Male Sterile Plant
“Food Is More Important Than Satellites.”
Saved from Disaster
Chasing the Sun
Chapter Four The Fifth Great Invention
The Breakthrough
Turning Addition to Multiplication
“Boasting Gets You Nowhere!”
The Last Step
Chapter Five The Second Green Revolution
A Seed That Changed the World
The Second Green Revolution
The “Two Line” Method: Another Chinese Invention
Who Will Feed China?
Challenging the Upper Limit


Chen Qiwen is a writer who has authored more than 20 books, chief among which are three novels, The Riverbed, Dream City, and The Clan of Righteousness; two essay collections, The Drifting and the Bank and The Lonely Traveler; and two nonfictions, Food Report of the People’s Republic of China and The Lifeblood: A Survey of China’s Hydropower Projects.

