you don\x27t know(辛迪·勞帕演唱歌曲)

you don\x27t know(辛迪·勞帕演唱歌曲)

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"You Don't Know"是美國女歌手Cyndi Lauper第五張專輯<Sisters of Avalon>發行的第一首單曲。

"You Don't Know"也是華語男歌手李唯楓首張專輯<渴了>中收錄的一首歌曲。


  • 中文名稱:你不知道
  • 外文名稱:You Don't Know
  • 所屬專輯:Sisters of Avalon
  • 歌曲時長:5:14
  • 發行時間:1997年04月17日
  • 填詞:Cyndi Lauper,Jan Pulsford
  • 編曲:Cyndi Lauper,Jan Pulsford,Mark Saunders
  • 音樂風格:流行搖滾
  • MV導演:Cyndi Lauper
  • 歌曲語言:音樂
  • B-side:Mother (Extended Mix)


"You Don't Know"是專輯<Sisters of Avalon>發行的第一首單曲。這首歌曲批判了缺乏決斷力的政客們以及媒體的傲慢。


You don't know where you belong
You should be more careful
As you follow blindly along
You just need to belong somehow
Relying on rhetoric
Not well versed on topics
Any idea what you're talking about?
Revisions of history
Fair well in some company
But don't shove that bullshit down my throat
You don't know where you belong
You should be more careful
As you follow blindly along
To find something to swear to
Till you don't know what's right from wrong
You just need to belong somehow
Left suppresses right
Right suppresses left
So what's the left, and what's right ?
You're told what to wear
You're told what to like
I'd be nice if you'd think for yourself sometime
But you don't
Now you don't know where you belong
You should be more careful
As you follow blindly along
To find something to swear to
Till you don't know what's right from wrong
You just need to belong somehow
You just need to belong somehow
Mix sheer hypocrisy with mediocrity
You'll play it safe every time


