Winning in Emerging Markets

Winning in Emerging Markets

《Winning in Emerging Markets》是2010年Perseus出版的圖書,作者是Khanna, Tarun、Palepu, Krishna G.、Bullock, Richard J. 。


  • 中文名:Winning in Emerging Markets
  • 作者:Khanna, Tarun、Palepu, Krishna G.、Bullock, Richard J. 
  • 出版社:Perseus
  • ISBN:9781422166956


Already cited by the Financial Times,, The Economic Times, WSJ/Mint and several other prominent global business publications, Winning in Emerging Markets is quickly becoming the go-to book for mapping a strategy for entering new marketsand then quickly gaining a competitive edge in those high growth regions.
Advancing the discussion about emerging markets themselves and how organizations can best leverage the potential of these regions, Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu both well respected thinkers on the subject argue there is more to sizing up these markets than just evaluating data points related to size, population, and growth potential. In fact, they say the possibility to expand a company’s progress in developing economies is to first asses the area’s lack of institutional infrastructureand then to formulate strategies around what the authors call institutional voids” to the firm’s advantage. Khanna and Palepu say the primary exploitable characteristic of an emerging market are such voids, and though they create challenges, they also provide major opportunity both for multinationals and local contenders.
Winning in Emerging Markets serves as a playbook for measuring a market’s potential and for crafting a strategy to succeed there.


塔倫·卡納(Tarun Khanna),哈佛商學院的喬治·保羅·萊曼(JorgePaulo Lemann)教授,從1993年起開始教授和研究全球新興市場的戰略和國際商務,並且為在亞洲經營的初創企業提供諮詢。在2007年的世界經濟論壇上.他當選為全球青年領袖,2009年成為國際商業學會的成員。
克蕾沙·帕利普(Krishna G. Palepu),哈佛商學院的羅斯·格雷厄姆·沃克(Ross Graham Walker)教授和國際發展部的副院長。主要研究新興市場的戰略和執行,目前負責學校在亞洲、歐洲和拉丁美洲的全球業務。
理察·布洛克(Richard J. Bullock),哈佛商學院的助理研究員,主要研究案例分析和同新興市場相關的其他教學資料。他在普林斯頓大學獲政治學學士學位,後升入耶魯大學,獲國際關係碩士學位。在讀碩士之前,是經濟學人智庫刊物《中國商業》(Businesschina)的撰稿人和編輯,在普林斯頓亞洲項目的資助下在中國教授英語。

