Winnie And Wolf

Winnie And Wolf

《Winnie And Wolf》是Hutchinson出版的圖書,作者是A.N. Wilson


  • ISBN:9780091796761
  • 作者:A.N. Wilson
  • 出版社:Hutchinson
  • 出版時間:2007年8月16日
  • 頁數:368
  • 定價:GBP 17.99
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
很多英國人都認為,威爾森的這部小說被故意排斥在了布克圖書獎的侯選名單之外。很難說其中的原因是什麼,因為讀者和評論界事實上好象都很津津樂道於阿道夫·希特勒和威妮弗蕾德·華格納之間的特殊關係。 該書以華格納家族秘書的視角,講述了發生在1925~1940年間,威妮弗蕾德·華格納和阿道夫·希特勒的不同尋常的故事。威妮弗蕾德是一名在孤兒院長大的英國女孩,18歲時嫁給了德國最有爭議性的天才人物——德國歌劇家、作曲家華格納的兒子,威妮弗蕾德是一個狂熱的親德派、一個華格納的崇拜者、一個日耳曼民族主義者。1925年,威妮弗蕾德和希特勒相識,二人一見如故,很快建立了密切交往。 ( Winnie and Wolf is the story of the extraordinar...(展開全部) 很多英國人都認為,威爾森的這部小說被故意排斥在了布克圖書獎的侯選名單之外。很難說其中的原因是什麼,因為讀者和評論界事實上好象都很津津樂道於阿道夫·希特勒和威妮弗蕾德·華格納之間的特殊關係。 該書以華格納家族秘書的視角,講述了發生在1925~1940年間,威妮弗蕾德·華格納和阿道夫·希特勒的不同尋常的故事。威妮弗蕾德是一名在孤兒院長大的英國女孩,18歲時嫁給了德國最有爭議性的天才人物——德國歌劇家、作曲家華格納的兒子,威妮弗蕾德是一個狂熱的親德派、一個華格納的崇拜者、一個日耳曼民族主義者。1925年,威妮弗蕾德和希特勒相識,二人一見如故,很快建立了密切交往。 ( Winnie and Wolf is the story of the extraordinary relationship between Winifred Wagner and Adolf Hitler that took place during the years 1925–40, as seen through the eyes of the secretary at the Wagner house in Bayreuth. Winifred, an English girl, brought up in an orphanage in East Grinstead, married at the age of eighteen to the son of Germany’s most controversial genius, is a passionate Germanophile, a Wagnerian dreamer, a Teutonic patriot. In the debacle of the post-Versailles world, the Wagner family hope for the coming, not of a warrior, a fearless Siegfried, but of a Parsifal, a mystic idealist, a redeemer-figure. In 1925, they meet their Parsifal – a wild-eyed Viennese opera-fanatic in a trilby hat, a mac and a badly fitting suit. Hitler has already made a name for himself in some sections of German society through rabble-rousing and street corner speeches. It is Winifred, though, who believes she can really see his poetry. Almost at once they drop formalities and call one another ‘Du’ rather than ‘Sie’. She is Winnie and he is Wolf. Like Winnie, Hitler was an outsider. Like her, he was haunted by the impossibility of reconciling the pursuit of love and the pursuit of power; the ultimate inevitability, if

