Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That

Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That

《Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That》是Thames & Hudson出版的圖書,作者是Hodge, Susie


  • ISBN:9780500290477
  • 作者:Hodge, Susie
  • 出版社:Thames & Hudson
  • 出版時間:2012年10月1日
  • 頁數:224
  • 定價:160元
  • 裝幀:Paperback
"Why Your 5 Year Old Could Not Have Done That" is Susie Hodges passionate and persuasive argument against the most common disparaging remark levelled at modern art. In this enjoyable and thought-provoking book, she examines 100 works of modern art that have attracted critical and public hostility from Cy Twomblys scribbled "Olympia" (1957), Jean-Michel Basquiats crude but spont...(展開全部) "Why Your 5 Year Old Could Not Have Done That" is Susie Hodges passionate and persuasive argument against the most common disparaging remark levelled at modern art. In this enjoyable and thought-provoking book, she examines 100 works of modern art that have attracted critical and public hostility from Cy Twomblys scribbled "Olympia" (1957), Jean-Michel Basquiats crude but spontaneous "LNAPRK" (1982), to the apparently careless mess of Tracey Emins "My Bed" (1998) and explains how, far from being negligible novelties, they are inspired and logical extensions of the ideas of their time. She explains how such notorious works as Carl Andres Equivalent VIII (1966) the infamous bricks occupy unique niches in the history of ideas, both showing influences of past artists and themselves influencing subsequent artists. With illustrations of works from Hans Arp to Adolf Wolfli, Hodge places each work in its cultural context to present an unforgettable vision of modern art. This book will give you an understanding of the ways in which modern art differs from the realistic works of earlier centuries, transforming as well as informing your gallery visits for years to come. 蘇西·霍奇為成人和兒童寫了70餘本書。 她在學校和學院裡教授藝術史和實用藝術課程, 向成人和兒童做藝術方面的演講, 給各種機構撰寫藝術類教材。 她從事繪畫與繪圖創作已超過15年, 運營著一家集寫作與繪畫為一體、適合各年齡段人士學習的工作室。 在本書中, 蘇西·霍奇以引發公眾批評甚至敵意的100件藝術作品為例, 對貶低現代藝術最常見的言論進行了卓有說服力、 充滿熱情的討論, 說明了現代藝術不是、 也從不曾是孩童的把戲。


