《Who Was Claude Monet?》是Grosset & Dunlap出版的圖書,作者是Ann Waldron,Stephen Marchesi (Illustrator)
- ISBN:9780448449852
- 作者:Ann Waldron、Stephen Marchesi (Illustrator)
- 出版社:Grosset & Dunlap
- 出版時間:2009年7月23日
- 頁數:112
- 定價:USD 4.99
- 裝幀:Paperback
《Who Was Claude Monet?》是Grosset & Dunlap出版的圖書,作者是Ann Waldron,Stephen Marchesi (Illustrator)
奧斯卡-克勞德·莫奈(法文:Oscar-Claude Monet,1840年11月14日~1926年12月5日),法國畫家,被譽為“印象派領導者”,印象派代表人物和創始人之一。莫奈是法國最重要的畫家之一,印象派的理論和實踐大部分都有他的推廣。莫奈擅長光與影的實驗與表現技法。他最重要的風格是改變了陰影和輪廓線的畫法,在莫奈的畫作...
Claude Monet Claude Monet,又名克洛德·莫奈,1999年出生,是一位藝術家。參加展覽 主要作品 Claude Monet的主要作品信息如下:1、L’Ancienne rue de la Chaussée, Argenteuil, 1872 (以上為部分作品列舉)
《Claude Monet》是2011年Grosset & Dunlap出版的圖書,作者是True Kelley。 內容簡介 "Steven" traces Monet's life from his childhood, through his rejection of traditional painting and the development of Impressionism, to his final, settled years in Giverny, sprinkling the report with his own drawings...
2.Claude Monet and serial paintings(莫奈和他的作品)3.Anna Pavlova:dancing alone as princess(巴甫洛娃:公主般獨舞)4.Isadora:a sensational life(伊莎多拉·鄧肯:激情蕩漾的一生)5.Martha Graham:movement never lies(瑪莎·格拉厄姆:舞蹈動作從不欺騙)6.Gackt Camui:Japanese prince as a singer(神威科...
of fresh insights, new paintings and expanded coverage on soft pastels. The concepts explored here have been handed down through generations of artists: Sarback was taught "Full-Color Seeing" by master painter Henry Hensche, who learned it from Charles Hawthorne, a contemporary of...