《Whales》是HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Simon, Seymour
- ISBN:9780060877118
- 作者:Simon, Seymour
- 出版社:HarperCollins
- 出版時間:2006年4月
- 頁數:40
- 定價:55.00元
- 裝幀:Pap
《Whales》是HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Simon, Seymour
《Whales》是Harpercollins Childrens Books出版的圖書,作者是Simon, Seymour 內容簡介 Whales are among the biggest creatures that have ever lived on our planet. Some whales grow bigger than one hundred feet long and can weigh...
Whales 《Whales》是一本圖書,作者是Haney, Jo hannah。
Whales 《Whales》是一本圖書,作者是Spizzirri, Linda
It's a whales tail that I leave hehind You don't take no heed but you want to get my Still you pay no kind Keep pulling in Chain the tide So that i Can't swim And if all else fails you can pull on the...
Whales 《Whales》是Bellwether Media出版的圖書,作者是Herriges, Ann
Whales 《Whales》是一本圖書,作者是Faiella, Graham; Maccombie, Turi;
《Whales》是一本圖書,作者是Milton, Joyce; Langford, Alton;內容簡介 Illus. in full color. "Milton understands what kids like about whales, and packs a considerable amount of information into the book. This easy-reader ...
《Whales》是Capstone Pr Inc出版的圖書,作者是Lindeen, Carol K.內容簡介 - Full-color photographs- Table of contents, glossary, bibliography, index- Reinforced library binding- 24 pages, size: 11" x 9"- Close photo-text...
鯨目(學名:Cetacea)是哺乳綱下設的一個傳統分類單元,包含現存約90種體態似魚、皮膚裸露的水生哺乳動物和它們已滅絕的早期親族,統稱 鯨類 或 鯨豚類,習慣上體型大者稱鯨(英:Whales),小者稱豚(英:Dolphins)。大部分棲息於...
凱莉·阿爾巴內姬(Kelly Albanese)是一位演員,出演過多部電影和連續劇。基本介紹 凱莉·阿爾巴內姬(Kelly Albanese)是一位演員,出演過多部電影和連續劇。作品 參演電影 2013 Of Teaching Killer Whales Compassion (Short) ---Rachel...
北邊則是潛水勝地科羅(Koro)、適宜家庭出遊的奈加尼島(Naigani)和擁有奢華度假村的瓦卡亞島(Wakaya)。漱瑁(hawksbill turtles)在此產蛋,還有一小群座頭餘(humpback whales)會在5月至9月的遷徙季途經奧瓦勞的東海岸。