Was it the Chocolate Pudding?

Was it the Chocolate Pudding?

2005年Amer Psychological Assn出版社出版Levins Sandra編著圖書。


  • 中文名:Was it the Chocolate Pudding?
  • 裝幀:HRD
  • 定價:$16.89
  • 作者:Levins Sandra
  • 出版社:Amer Psychological Assn
  • 出版日期:2005-10
  • ISBN:9781591473084
​Was It the Chocolate Pudding? tells the story of divorce in a typical family from the point of view of an engaging young narrator. Readers learn about divorce, and receive age-appropriate explanations of what is happening regarding such issues as single-parent homes and joint custody. But most importantly, the narrator explains that divorce is not the child's fault - it is a grown-up problem. The story emphasizes the need for communication between parent and child and includes a "Note to Parents" by psychologist and author Jane Annunziata, PsyD.

