《Warriors Super Edition》是2010年HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Hunter, Erin。
- 中文名:Warriors Super Edition
- 作者:Hunter, Erin
- 出版社:HarperCollins
- ISBN:9780061582509
《Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy(貓武士外傳之2:藍星的預言)》中艾琳為大家呈現了一個非常不一樣的火星喔!對於火星的冬粉們來說,書中那個時常猶豫不定,有時還會犯迷糊的火星,既不像首部曲中初入森林的拉斯特那樣純真無畏,也不是三部曲中那個沉穩睿智、掌控全局的資深族長。但這就是最真實的火星:在看到舊日的兩腳獸有了新的寵物貓時的複雜心情,在對斑葉的依賴與對沙風的愛戀之間的困惑,在面對遠古天族族長重託時的畏縮,在重建天族受挫時的沮喪……火星作為一隻命運特殊的貓,也有著很多跟普通貓一樣的弱點。 You are fire, and You will blaze through the forest Bluestarleader of ThunderClanhas been prophesied to guide her Clan to power in a time of great turmoil. But closely guarded secrets from the past haunt her every paw step, and dark shadows whisper in her ears. Will she protect her Clan? Or collapse under the weight of her destiny?