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  • 外文名:Voiceless
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 發音:[ˈvɔɪsləs]


英 [ˈvɔɪsləs] 美 [ˈvɔɪsləs]
adj. 無聲的;清音的;沉默的


voiceless velar plosive 清軟顎塞音
voiceless velar fricative 清軟顎擦音 ; 擦音
voiceless dental fricative 清齒擦音
voiceless alveolar fricative 清齒齦擦音
voiceless alveolar plosive 清齒齦塞音
voiceless uvular fricative 清小舌擦音
voiceless glottal fricative 清喉擦音 ; 擦音
voiceless palatal fricative 清硬顎擦音
voiceless pharyngeal fricative 清咽擦音 ; 來表示無聲喉壁摩擦音 ; 來表示


  • The old castle was dark and voiceless. 這座古堡是黑暗和寂靜無聲的。
  • It is not voiceless, but it is nameless. 它並不是無聲,但它確實是無名。
  • On the international stage, China seems voiceless. 在世界舞台上,中國顯得“無聲”。
  • They were playing chase, she and the voiceless other. 她和一些別的什麼人在玩追逐的遊戲。
  • Within the voiceless love. he opens up his heart to me. 在這無聲的愛意里,他的心靡向我敞開了。
  • Your eyes is voiceless language, full of anticipation to me . 您的眼神是無聲的語言,對我充滿期待;
  • Voiced sounds vibrate, whereas voiceless sounds do not vibrate. 如果是濁音,喉嚨會震動,清音則不會。
  • A voiceless cry emanated from the crowd gathering on the street. 街道上滿是聚集的人群,傳出一陣無聲的哭泣。
  • Admitting around me comrades close unseen by the rest and voiceless. 容我戰友先安睡不與他人近瞻這無聲淚。
  • If the rain god lowered Ganlin, Fuze creatures convey the voiceless. 雨如神仙降下的甘霖,傳遞著福澤眾生的清音。
  • We are to speak for those who are voiceless, to defend for those who are defenseless. 我們要替那些無聲的人說話,幫助那些無助的人。
  • They are not lecturing from above. They only have equal visions and voiceless dialogues. 沒有高高在上的說教,有的只是平等的目光和無聲的對話。
  • Learn pairs of consonants that are voiced and voiceless and practice through minimal pairs. 將清音和濁音的輔音通過最小對立組進行成對練習。
  • It is what I have called a "voiceless voice", something like the voice of your own thoughts. 我把這叫做“無聲的話語”,有的時候他的話語就想是我自己的想法。
  • Just imagine, if it weren't for them, who would defend the rights of these voiceless animals? 可是試想要是沒有他們,誰又為這些無聲的動物們捍衛生存的權利呢?
  • For , put your top teeth onto your bottom lip, and make a sound exactly like except voiceless. 發,要用上齒咬住下唇,發出類似的音,同樣也不振動聲帶。
  • Give voice to the voiceless; official and unofficial sources of information can be equally valid. 讓無聲的人們發出聲音,官方信息和非官方的信息被以同樣價值對待。
  • You can recognize the difference between voiced and voiceless by placing a finger on your throat. 你可以通過將手指放在喉嚨處來判斷清音和濁音的區別。
  • However, it is just this great voiceless love that becomes the most beautiful voice in the world. 大愛無言,而那份無言的愛,就是人世間最美的聲音。
  • We must "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." We must be a voice for the voiceless. 我們必須“為不能自辯的開口”,我們必須成為無聲的人的代言人。
  • In many writings, male governs the center position that results in the partially voiceless of female. 很多文本中,男性處於中心位置,女性不可能完全成為言說主體發出自己的聲音。
  • The hegemonic culture gradually becomes "voiceless" with the challenges posed by minor discursive texts. 霸權文化受到了來自少數話語文本的挑戰。
  • Similar but not identical sounds such as voiced and voiceless pairs of consonants are also linked in this way. 相似但不相同的音如發音與不發音的一對輔音總是會這樣連音。
  • The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant. 雨中的濕土的氣息,就響從渺小的無聲的民眾那裡來的一陣巨大的讚美歌聲。
  • It requires institutions that are fast, flexible, and accountable, that can give voice to the voiceless with resources at the ready. 這要求這些多邊機構行動迅速、靈活應變而且擔負責任,能夠讓具有資源和條件的沉默方有發言權。
  • But maternal health is woefully neglected, and those suffering fistulas are completely voiceless — young, female, poor, rural and ostracized. 但婦女衛生狀況令人悲哀地被忽視了,忍受著瘺症折磨的這一群體完全不能表達自己的聲音——年輕,女性,貧窮,居住在鄉下且遭到排斥。


