Village Fools

Village Fools

《Village Fools》是由Jokull Jonsson作詞,The Evening Guests演唱、作曲的歌曲。



  • 中文名:Village Fools
  • 所屬專輯:Not in Kansas Anymore
  • 歌曲原唱:The Evening Guests
  • 填詞:Jokull Jonsson
  • 譜曲:The Evening Guests
  • 音樂風格:Folk
  • 發行日期:2013年5月14日
  • 歌曲語言:英語


Village Fools - The Evening Guests
Lyrics by:The Evening Guests
Composed by:The Evening Guests/Jokull Ernir Jonsson
By now you are worried that you're lost inside your head
By now you're thinking that your thoughts may disappear
Why do you ponder
Just crawl inside your bed
And sleep till the morning love
Let go of your fear
In their eyes
In their eyes
In their eyes
We're the village fools
You waste your life spending hours every day
Finding solutions while retracing every step
Waiting for someone to guide your way
Blinding illusions of what comes next
In their eyes
In their eyes
In their eyes
We're the village fools
In their eyes
In their eyes
In their eyes
We're the village fools
In their eyes
In their eyes
In their eyes
We're the village fools


MV中,伴隨著悠揚的銅管樂與激昂的鼓點,風犬少年們的喜怒哀樂、嬉笑怒罵悉數展現,The Evening Guests低沉磁性的聲線唱述著“老狗”初次遇見“安然”時的怦然心動,“馬田”與“大力嬌”的冤家歡喜,“咪咪”和“大嘴”的憨憨日常,“劉聞欽”的看似冷酷和少言寡語。清脆嘹亮的小號聲在吹奏街邊嗦面的歡樂時光,聯歡晚會上放聲歌唱的高光時刻,無憂無慮追逐奔跑的學生時期,優美柔和的大號聲在撫慰獨自一人默默流淚的“老狗”,溫暖著相擁而泣的“馬田”與“大力嬌”,安慰著進退兩難的“安然”,鼓勵著不服命運,朝著江水大聲吶喊的“劉聞欽”,戲劇性飽滿的管弦樂交織成一幅啼笑皆非、汗涔淚潸、栩栩如生的青春畫卷。

