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《Victory》是Aegypan出版的圖書,作者是Lester del Rey


  • ISBN:9781603124607
  • 作者:Lester del Rey
  • 出版社:Aegypan
  • 出版時間:2008年2月1日
  • 頁數:104
  • 定價:USD 9.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
"It seemed Earth was a rich, and undefended planet in a warring, hating galaxy. Things can be deceptive though; children playing can be quite rough -- but that ain't war, friend " -- JOHN W. CAMPBELL's "original blurb for this tale" * When we first read Campbell's blurb for this novella, we wondered what the devil he (and, after a page or two, del Rey, too) were on about. We we...(展開全部) "It seemed Earth was a rich, and undefended planet in a warring, hating galaxy. Things can be deceptive though; children playing can be quite rough -- but that ain't war, friend " -- JOHN W. CAMPBELL's "original blurb for this tale" * When we first read Campbell's blurb for this novella, we wondered what the devil he (and, after a page or two, del Rey, too) were on about. We were still wondering, halfway through the tale -- until it fell on us, just the way you'd expect it to in a work out of JWC's "Astounding"/"Analog," The earth men may "seem" to be pathetic numbskulls collecting what they deserve -- but watch them closely. They're on to something.


