Very Soon(英語短語)

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very soon是一個英語短語,讀音為/ˈveri su:n/或/ˈvɛri sun/


  • 外文名:very soon
  • 英式發音:[ˈveri su:n]
  • 美式發音: [ˈvɛri sun]




  1. They're going to have a sports meet very soon.他們不久將開運動會。(來自《簡明英漢詞典》 )
  2. I don't think the mist will clear off very soon.我看霧不會馬上就散。(來自《簡明英漢詞典》 )
  3. We should touch down very soon now.我們很快就要著陸了。(來自《簡明英漢詞典》 )
  4. He'll go abroad very soon.他不久就要出國去。(來自《現代漢英綜合大詞典》 )
  5. He said his mother would be back very soon and, right on cue , she walked in.他說他媽媽很快回來, 說著說著, 她走進來了。(來自《簡明英漢詞典》)
  6. We will set him above their mercies very soon. 我們很快就可以使他不受他們擺布了。(來自《雙城記 》)
  7. You'll be hearing from us very soon.你很快就會收到我們的來信。(來自辭典例句)
  8. Very soon he took the first steps towards a career in the theatre.不久他便開始涉足戲劇。(來自辭典例句)
  9. Very soon we'll see the rate of cardiovascular disease among teenagers rising. 很快我們就會看到,青少年心血管疾病的發病率出現上升。(來自時文部分)
  10. Very soon Puss had chased away all the rats and mice.沒過多久,普西就嚇跑了所有耗子。(來自辭典例句)
  11. Very soon after the outbreak of war he was arrested.戰爭爆發之後不久他就被捕了。(來自辭典例句)
  12. Very soon , in came an enchantingly handsome young man.一位迷人的英俊男子進來了。(來自辭典例句)
  13. These willow saplings will put out fresh leaves very soon.這些柳樹苗不久就要長出新葉了。(來自辭典例句)
  14. Very soon the Bismarck's fire began to tell upon her. 不久,“俾斯麥”號的炮火就打中了它。(來自辭典例句)
  15. They are going to have a sports meet very soon.不久,他們將舉行運動會。(來自辭典例句)


