Vermilion Bird

Vermilion Bird

《Vermilion Bird》是University of California Press出版的圖書,作者是Edward Hetzel Schafer


  • ISBN:9780520011458
  • 作者:Edward Hetzel Schafer
  • 出版社:University of California Press
  • 出版時間:1967年10月
  • 頁數:392
  • 定價:GBP 24.25
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
In the seventh century the great T'ang nation was obliged to reconquer the southernmost portion of what had been considered Chinese territory for many centuries, a region today corresponding roughly with northern Vietnam and the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong. The Vermilion Bird attempts to recover the actual character of the monsoon realms of T'ang-a scattering of ...(展開全部) In the seventh century the great T'ang nation was obliged to reconquer the southernmost portion of what had been considered Chinese territory for many centuries, a region today corresponding roughly with northern Vietnam and the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong. The Vermilion Bird attempts to recover the actual character of the monsoon realms of T'ang-a scattering of palisaded garrisons, isolated monasteries, and commercial towns, all surrounded by dark, haunted woods. Professor Schafer examines the thoughts, emotions, imaginations, and daily lives of the men of that era, through the medium of their literature, for evidence of the changes inspired by this new environment, and especially for signs of the transformation of the ancient symbol of the South, the sacred vermilion bird. The Journal of Asian Studies called this book: A work of immense and devoted scholarship, a mine of fascinating information, a delight to read, and an indispensable work of reference on Medieval China. 薛愛華(Edward Hetzel Schafer,1913—1991,舊譯愛德華•謝弗),美國著名漢學家和語言學家,二十世紀下半葉美國唐代研究乃至整個西方唐代研究的領軍人物。1938年獲柏克萊加州大學學士學位,攻讀人類學;1947年獲哈佛大學東方語言學博士學位。之後一直任教於柏克萊加州大學,直至1984年退休。曾出任美國東方學會會長,並長期主編《美國東方學會會刊》(JAOS)。 薛愛華深受傳統歐洲漢學影響,重視歷史語言文獻的研究(精通十幾種古今語言),加之他在民族學、民俗學和人類學方面的豐厚學養,使他的中國中古研究呈現出開闊的視野與多視角融合的特點。他的主要研究領域在中外史學界均享有盛譽,如:唐代的社會文化史,尤其是物質文化(名物)研究、唐代的外來文明、中原漢文化與周邊民族文化的融合、道教與文學的關係,尤其是唐詩與道教在唐代文化中的作用等等。 專著...(展開全部) 薛愛華(Edward Hetzel Schafer,1913—1991,舊譯愛德華•謝弗),美國著名漢學家和語言學家,二十世紀下半葉美國唐代研究乃至整個西方唐代研究的領軍人物。1938年獲柏克萊加州大學學士學位,攻讀人類學;1947年獲哈佛大學東方語言學博士學位。之後一直任教於柏克萊加州大學,直至1984年退休。曾出任美國東方學會會長,並長期主編《美國東方學會會刊》


