有一個檔案擴展名結束 .vvf. 檔案擴展名的檔案 .vvf 只能推出某些套用。這是可能的 .vvf 檔案是數據檔案,而不是檔案或媒體,這意味著它們並不意味著要瀏覽,要小心,不要重命名的擴展 .vvf 檔案或任何其它檔案。
vvf 檔案,如何打開,警告,
vvf 檔案
Files with the .vvf extension are mainly used by Voc as vocabulary files. Voc is a popular program that allows vocabulary creation and administration of multi-lingual vocabulary quizzes. This software is a helpful tool for users to widen their vocabulary as well as learn the meaning of words in another language because this software also translates words into a different language. Voc presents options in multiple choices; which is why it helps users to easily learn their vocabulary. These multiple choice options are the .vvf files. The files with .vvf extension contain words that are written in plain text and they usually play a part in storing word translations. These files also play a part in loading the questions to the user of the program. There are also other applications associated with this file extension such as Camera Viewer wherein the files with the .vvf extension are saved as video files.
啟動一個 .vvf 檔案或任何其他檔案在您的PC上,通過雙擊它。如果你的檔案關聯設定正確,打開你的應用程式的意思 .vvf 檔案將打開它。您可能需要下載或購買正確的應用程式,這是可能的。它也有可能,你有正確的應用程式在您的PC上,但 .vvf 檔案還沒有與它相關聯。在這種情況下,當你試圖打開一個 .vvf 檔案,你可以告訴Windows套用該檔案是正確的。從此,開啟了 .vvf 檔案將打開正確的應用程式。
要小心,不要重命名的擴展 .vvf 檔案或任何其它檔案。這是不會改變的檔案類型。只有特殊的轉換軟體,可以改變一個檔案從一個檔案類型到另一個。