U Will (喲喂)

U Will (喲喂)

《U Will (喲喂)》是ETA樂隊演唱的歌曲,由張嫻娟(Zoe)作詞,樊卓軒(JOJO)作曲,收錄於專輯《U Will (喲喂)》。


  • 外文名:U Will (喲喂)
  • 所屬專輯:U Will (喲喂)
  • 歌曲原唱:ETA樂隊
  • 填詞:張嫻娟(Zoe)
  • 譜曲:樊卓軒(JOJO)
  • 發行日期:2021年8月27日
You were there in my dreams(waiting)你在我的夢裡(等待)
Waiting for the moments of your life 等待你的高光時刻
Wearing slim holding all the chances 身形完美 穿著華麗 手握所有籌碼武器
Heading to the ultimate threat 走向最懼怕的荒蠻之地
Will you please take me to your battlefield 帶我去你的戰場
Will you please fight back with your best effort and mine 全力反擊
Show me how you handle all these feelings 你是怎么處理那些情緒的
Bad feelings that are drowning and killing us slowly 使人日益消沉的壞情緒
Show me the way you reveal the fact 你是怎么揭露事實的
That famous people can make infamous deals 著名的人做臭名昭著交易的事實
Tell us hundred reasons why we can't 告訴我為什麼
Why ordinary people can't go extra 為什麼平凡的 不能有非凡之舉
Sometimes I drown myself 有時候 選擇乾脆溺死在消沉里
To find a proper way to win win!去找生死勝敗平衡
Cooling down You are right about it 你說的要冷靜 沒錯
And letting those accusations fly 讓流言蜚語再飛會 只要他樂意
Digging in what you've always wanted 你就只管埋頭尋找你心所往
Keep moving if it weren’t there 迷茫常態 知道了就別糾結繼續找
Will you please take me to your battlefield 帶我去你的戰場
Will you please fight back with your best effort and mine 全力反擊
Show me how you handle all these feelings 你是怎么處理那些情緒的
Bad feelings that are drowning and killing us slowly 使人日益消沉的壞情緒
Show me the way you reveal the fact 你是怎么揭露事實的
That famous people can make infamous deals 著名的人做臭名昭著交易的事實
Tell us hundred reasons why we can't 告訴我為什麼
Why ordinary people can't go extra 為什麼平凡的 不能有非凡之舉
Sometime I drown myself 有時候 選擇乾脆溺死在消沉里
To find a proper way to win win! 去找生死勝敗平衡
All the hypocrites 滿口仁義道德 道貌岸然的偽君子們
You'd better watch your back while you're at it 幹壞事的時候 小心點
We've got the spotlight 這裡有能曝光你的聚光燈
We've got these strings 有能勒住脖頸兒的弦
Don’t think you can get away from this 別想著能就地逃脫
Here we go now 檢測開始
Show me how you handle all these feelings 你是怎么處理那些情緒的
Show me the way you reveal the fact 你是怎么揭露事實的
Tell us hundred reasons why we can't 告訴我為什麼
Sometime I drown myself 有時候 選擇乾脆溺死在消沉里
To find a proper way to win win! 去找生死勝敗平衡
Show me how you handle all these feelings 你是怎么處理那些情緒的
Bad feelings that are drowning and killing us slowly 使人日益消沉的壞情緒
Show me the way you reveal the fact 你是怎么揭露事實的
That famous people can make infamous deals 著名的人做臭名昭著交易的事實
Tell us hundred reasons why we can't 告訴我為什麼
Why ordinary people can't go extra 為什麼平凡的 不能有非凡之舉
Sometimes I drown myself 有時候 選擇乾脆溺死在消沉里
To find a proper way to win win!去找生死勝敗平衡
Show me how you handle all these feelings 你是怎么處理那些情緒的
Bad feelings that are drowning and killing us slowly 使人日益消沉的壞情緒
Show me the way you reveal the fact 你是怎么揭露事實的


