Two Steps from Hell / 兩步逃離地獄(又名 地獄邊緣、地獄咫尺、兩步逃離地獄、逃陷地獄)成立於2006年3月,總部設於美國加州洛杉磯,是一家專業的音樂製作公司,Two Steps from Hell (以下簡稱TSFH) 是由尼克·菲尼克斯和托馬斯·J·柏格森共同創辦,他們創作的音樂類型屬於SOUND TRACK(原聲配樂),而現在此公司屬於HANS ZIMMER (漢斯季莫) 旗下的RC公司所擁有。
- 公司名稱:兩步逃離地獄
- 外文名稱:Two Steps From Hell
- 總部地點:Los Angels,California
- 成立時間:2006年2月
- 經營範圍:音樂
- 公司類型:著作權音樂公司
- 公司口號:Music Makes You Braver
- 廠牌簡稱:TSFH、2SFH、XTS
- 創始人:Thomas Bergersen、Nick Phoenix
關於Two Steps From Hell的中文譯名,國區域網路絡上有“兩步逃離地獄”、“逃出升天”、“逃陷地獄”、“地獄邊緣”、“地獄咫尺”等諸多譯名,但官方沒有正式給出中文譯名,在此不做統一。
1 | 《 Unleashed》 | 2 | 《Power of Darkness Anthology》 | 3 | 《Heaven Anthology 》 | 4 | 《Nero Anthology》 | 5 | 《Battlecry Anthology》 |
6 | 《Vanquish》 | 7 | 《Christmas Medley》 | 8 | 《Classics, Vol. 2》 | 9 | 《Battlecry》 | 10 | 《Legacy》 |
11 | 《Amaria》 | 12 | 《Quarantine》 | 13 | 《《Colin Frake On Fire Mountain》》 | 14 | 《Miracles》 | 15 | 《Open Conspiracy》 |
16 | 《Stay》 | 17 | 《Orion》 | 18 | 《Speed of Sound》 | 19 | 《Classics, Vol. 1》 | 20 | 《Solaris》 |
21 | 《Burn》 | 22 | 《SkyWorld》 | 23 | 《Halloween》 | 24 | 《Two Steps From Heaven》 | 25 | 《Nero》 |
26 | 《Archangel》 | 27 | 《Balls to the Wall》 | 28 | 《Illumina》 | 29 | 《All Drones Go To Hell》 | 30 | 《Invincible》 |
31 | 《Power of Darkness》 | 32 | 《The Devil Wears Nada》 | 33 | 《Ashes》 | 34 | 《Legend》 | 35 | 《Dreams and imaginations》 |
36 | 《All Drums Go to Hell》 | 37 | 《Pathogen》 | 38 | 《Dynasty》 | 39 | 《Shadows and Nightmares》 | 40 | 《Nemesis》 |
41 | 《Volume One》 |

1 | Super Strength |
2 | Two Steps From Hell |
3 | From The Abyss |
4 | Bigger than Kong |
5 | The Legend of Aramis |
6 | The Summoning |
7 | Battle Of Dark vs Light |
8 | Born Of Ash |
9 | Interceptors Duel |
10 | North Country |
11 | Rise Of Evil |
12 | Bloodlust |
13 | Spirit Of Death |
14 | The Descending Storm |
15 | Necromantics |
16 | Souls Feast |
17 | Over The Pass |
18 | City Of Malice |
19 | Birth Of Power |
20 | Dominius |
21 | Dawn Of War |

01 | Dark Ages |
02 | Nemesis |
03 | Army Of Justice |
04 | Clash Of Empires |
05 | Atlantis |
06 | Army Of Justice |
07 | Tristan |
08 | Road To Revelation |
09 | God Of Lightning |
10 | Sons Of War |
11 | The Immortals |
12 | Wrath Of Sea |
13 | Red Omen |
14 | Sky Titans |
15 | Hunter's Moon |
16 | Moving Mountains |
17 | Eternal Sorrow |
18 | Fountain Of Life |
19 | Enigmatic Soul |
20 | Dominion Heart |
21 | Friendship To Last |

01 | Doomsday - choir |
02 | Doomsday - no choir |
03 | Doomsday - hits only |
04 | She Rises - choir |
05 | She Rises - no choir |
06 | Ritual of Resurrection - choir |
07 | Ritual of Resurrection - no choir |
08 | Ritual of Resurrection (first hit only) |
09 | Nocturnal Prey - choir |
10 | Nocturnal Prey - no choir |
11 | Evil! (part 1) - choir |
12 | Evil! (part 2) - choir |
13 | Evil! (part 1) - no choir |
14 | Evil! (part 2) - no choir |
15 | Ghost Town |
16 | Ghostly Presence - choir |
17 | Ghostly Presence - no choir |
18 | Demonic Procession - choir |
19 | Demonic Procession - no choir |
20 | Come What May - no perc |
21 | Come What May |
22 | Betrayed - choir |
23 | Betrayed - no choir |
24 | Face of Dhomor Devah - choir |
25 | Face of Dhomor Devah - no choir |
26 | Tick Tock Goes the Clock |
27 | Awakening the Beast - choir |
28 | Awakening the Beast - no choir |
29 | Inhuman Growth - choir |
30 | Inhuman Growth - no choir |
31 | Mountains of Madness |
32 | Etergheros Charghela (Sacrificium) - choir |
33 | Etergheros Charghela (Sacrificium) - no choir |
34 | Bottomless Pit of Torment - choir |
35 | Bottomless Pit of Torment - no choir |
36 | Eyes Wide Open - choir |
37 | Eyes Wide Open - no choir |
38 | Loch Ness |
39 | Discovery of Land - choir |
40 | Discovery of Land - no choir |
41 | Tons of TNT - choir |
42 | Tons of TNT - no choir |
43 | The Return of Life - choir |
44 | The Return of Life - no choir |
45 | Approaching Tsunami - choir |
46 | Approaching Tsunami - no choir |
47 | Unholy Requiem - choir |
48 | Unholy Requiem - no choir |
49 | SuperFX (Hit + Rise) - Ignition |
50 | SuperFX (Hit + Static) - System Failure |
51 | SuperFX (Static + Pounding) - Toxic Air |
52 | SuperFX (Static + Rise) - Alien Encounter |
53 | SuperFX (Static) - Fear Factor 100 |
54 | SuperFX (Static) - Paralyzed by Fear |
55 | SuperFX (Rise) - Crawling Invasion |
56 | SuperFX (Rise) - Gateway to Oblivion |
57 | SuperFX (Rise) - Hide & Seek |
58 | SuperFX (Rise) - Jungle Swarm |
59 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit I |
60 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit II |
61 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit III |
62 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit IV |
63 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit V |
64 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VI |
65 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VII |
66 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VIII |
67 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit IX |
68 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit X |
69 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XI |
70 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XII |
71 | SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XIII |
72 | [Bonus Track] Cemetery Waltz - choir |
73 | [Bonus Track] Cemetery Waltz - no choir |
01 | 2000 Leagues |
02 | Crisis Gone Bad |
03 | Death Grip 2 |
04 | Death Grip |
05 | Deathhook |
06 | Demon Child |
07 | Empire of the Mind |
08 | Evac |
09 | Extreme Crisis |
10 | Forbidden |
11 | Found at the Lake |
12 | Hammer of Doom |
13 | Heartpounder |
14 | Infinity |
15 | Justification |
16 | Lord of Death |
17 | Messages Across Time |
18 | Overheated |
19 | Possessed Village |
20 | Precinct Breach |
21 | Recon J74 |
22 | Rising Darkness |
23 | Satellite Photos |
24 | Smartbomb |
25 | Surveilance |
26 | The last 100 |
27 | Undead Chamber |

1 | 1000 Ships Underworld (1:40) |
2 | Armada (3:04) |
3 | Black Assassin (2:21) |
4 | Blade Fighter (2:02) |
5 | Blast the Gates (1:19) |
6 | Bleeding (1:47) |
7 | Breaking (1:56) |
8 | Breath Of Ran Gor (2:00) |
9 | Cavaliere (1:26) |
10 | Chariots of Blood (1:53) |
11 | Chopperhead (2:04) |
12 | Conquerors (1:45) |
13 | Coup D'Etat (1:38) |
14 | Deep Voyage (1:50) |
15 | Demon Rider (1:30) |
16 | Diplomatic Immunity (2:39) |
17 | Dragon Rider (1:54) |
18 | Dynasty (2:00) |
19 | Elementum (2:40) |
20 | Epilogue (2:15) |
21 | False Flag Op (2:21) |
22 | Fight The Darkness (2:48) |
23 | Flameheart (1:43) |
24 | Glory & Honor (2:22) |
25 | Heaven & Earth (2:18) |
26 | Hero (2:34) |
27 | House of Fire (2:36) |
28 | Instruments of War (1:10) |
29 | Kingdom Skies (2:29) |
30 | King's Legion (1:32) |
31 | Love & Loss (1:54) |
32 | Magika (1:57) |
33 | Never Winter (1:31) |
34 | Ocean (2:30) |
35 | One Against All (2:11) |
36 | Pax (2:11) |
37 | Procession (2:00) |
38 | Racketeers (1:13) |
39 | Red Army (1:58) |
40 | Sentius (1:48) |
41 | Spirit of Champions (3:01) |
42 | Sun Goddess (0:51) |
43 | The Brave & Mighty (1:05) |
44 | The Fly From China (1:57) |
45 | The Truth Unravels II (2:17) |
46 | The Vendetta Conspiracy (1:37) |
47 | Thermopolis (2:15) |
48 | Timebomb (2:19) |
49 | Tyrianis (2:58) |
50 | Web of Lies (2:16) |
51 | Zen Killer (1:48) |
52 | 1000 Ships Alt Ending (NC) (0:48) |
53 | 1000 Ships Alt Ending (0:45) |
54 | 1000 Ships Underworld (NC) (1:38) |
55 | Armada (NC) (3:02) |
56 | Black Assassin (NC) (2:22) |
57 | Blade Fighter NC (2:02) |
58 | Blast the Gates (NC) (1:20) |
59 | Bleeding (NC) (1:47) |
60 | Breaking (NC) (1:58) |
61 | Breath Of Ran Gor (NC) (1:59) |
62 | Cavaliere (NC) (1:26) |
63 | Chariots of Blood (NC) (1:53) |
64 | Chariots of Blood (Rock) (1:53) |
65 | Chariots of Blood (Wi#4F3DB (1:53) |
66 | Chopperhead (NC) (2:04) |
67 | Conquerors (NC) (1:45) |
68 | Demon Rider (NC) (1:29) |
69 | Dragon Rider (Beat Only) (1:54) |
70 | Dynasty - Solo Vocal (2:00) |
71 | Dynasty (NC) (2:00) |
72 | Elementum (NC) (2:43) |
73 | False Flag Op (NC) (2:20) |
74 | Fight The Darkness (NC) (2:49) |
75 | Flameheart (NC) (1:43) |
76 | Hero (NC) (2:37) |
77 | House of Fire (NC) (2:36) |
78 | Instruments of War (NC) (1:26) |
79 | King's Legion (NC) (1:32) |
80 | Love & Loss (No Synth) (1:57) |
81 | Magika (NC) (2:00) |
82 | Never Winter (NC) (1:32) |
83 | Ocean (NC) (2:33) |
84 | One Against All (NC) (2:11) |
85 | Pax (NC) (2:13) |
86 | Procession (No Drums) (2:01) |
87 | Racketeers (Rock) (1:13) |
88 | Red Army (NC) (1:58) |
89 | Sentius (NC) (1:47) |
90 | Sentius Remix (NC) (1:06) |
91 | Sentius Remix (1:06) |
92 | Spirit of Champions (NC) (3:01) |
93 | The Truth Unravels II#4F459 (2:03) |
94 | The Vendetta Conspira#4F45D (1:37) |
95 | Thermopolis NC (2:15) |
96 | Timebomb (Beat Only) (2:27) |
97 | Timebomb (NC) (2:19) |
98 | Tyrianis (NC) (2:57) |
99 | Web of Lies (NC) (2:16) |

1 | Kickdown |
2 | Shed My Skin |
3 | Electro Freak |
4 | Pathogen |
5 | Ice Planet |
6 | Otherworld |
7 | Deathslinger |
8 | Cannibal |
9 | Crash |
10 | The Raven Talks Backwards |
11 | Beam Of Light |
12 | Iron Soul |
13 | Run N Gun |
14 | War Of Angels |
15 | Gothic Cowboy |
16 | Forsaken |
17 | Iron Nation |
18 | False King (Rock) |

01 | Armored Cars (1:10) |
02 | Barrage of Noise (1:13) |
03 | Bionics (1:05) |
04 | Border Patrol (1:18) |
05 | Building Jumper (1:27) |
06 | Carnival From Hell (0:56) |
07 | Chasing the Dragon (1:21) |
08 | Code of Honor (0:30) |
09 | Dance With The Devil (0:55) |
10 | Death Came Early That Year (0:59) |
11 | Desert Runner (1:28) |
12 | Desperate Protocol (1:01) |
13 | Diabolic Clockwork (1:46) |
14 | Disturbing Power (0:51) |
15 | Emperor's Assassin (1:16) |
16 | Extinction (1:31) |
17 | Fists of Steel (0:41) |
18 | Flight From The Monastery (1:13) |
19 | Foreign Identity (1:09) |
20 | Freedom Army (0:51) |
21 | Guerilla Raid (Instrumental) (0:34) |
22 | Guerilla Raid (0:57) |
23 | Hara-Kiri (0:44) |
24 | Hellraiser Brigade (1:43) |
25 | Hidden Identity (1:22) |
26 | Hyperbug (0:37) |
27 | Images of Horror (0:25) |
28 | Impending Fury (1:12) |
29 | Industrial Mayhem (1:30) |
30 | Iridium Factor (1:14) |
31 | Jun Mai (0:46) |
32 | Jungle Fever (0:35) |
33 | Kamakura (0:44) |
34 | Lord of Two Lands (1:43) |
35 | Norwegian Devil (0:51) |
36 | Nuclear Meltdown (Electronica) (0:45) |
37 | Nuclear Meltdown (0:45) |
38 | Oedipus Raax (0:55) |
39 | Off The Cliff (0:37) |
40 | Operation Sandstorm (Instrumental) (2:14) |
41 | Operation Sandstorm (0:58) |
42 | Path of Destruction (0:55) |
43 | Raging Horde (0:31) |
44 | Rampant Carnage (0:54) |
45 | Rocket Hammer (1:00) |
46 | Run Like Hell (1:11) |
47 | Second Coming (0:53) |
48 | Secret Island (1:10) |
49 | Shoot to Kill (Instrumental) (2:07) |
50 | Shoot to Kill (1:09) |
51 | Skull Crusher (1:34) |
52 | Sleepwalker (0:29) |
53 | Smoke Em (1:08) |
54 | Sudden Strike (0:56) |
55 | Tagged Rendezvous (1:00) |
56 | Terror Tunnels (0:58) |
57 | Toxic Rain (1:48) |
58 | Triassic (0:52) |
59 | Uganda and South (1:03) |
60 | Ultimate Countdown (1:11) |
61 | Voltenstein (1:44) |
62 | Wave of Death (1:20) |
63 | Witchburner (1:42) |
64 | Zoologic Stampede (0:24) |

01 | Secrets Of The Mind |
02 | Color The Sky |
03 | Transfiguration |
04 | Fortress Of Seduction |
05 | Moving Shadows |
06 | Through Devil's Eyes |
07 | Hello World |
08 | Parfait Amour |
09 | Hold Me |
10 | Aurora Boralis |
11 | Sun Gazer |
12 | Wings |
13 | Gentle Breeze |
14 | Nepal In May |
15 | Mind Tricks |
16 | Scent Of A Woman |
17 | Flying |
18 | Fate Of The Deserted |
19 | African Sunset |
20 | Rapid Eye Movement |
21 | Peace of Mind |
22 | Elysium |
23 | Water Reflections |
24 | Bed of Roses |
25 | Lux Aeterna |
26 | Lonesome Dove |
27 | Solitude |
28 | Weightless |
29 | Mercy In Darkness |
30 | Wake of Desolation |
31 | Entombed |
32 | I See The Future |
33 | Moonshine |
34 | Allure |
35 | Hidden Beauty |
36 | Forsaken |
37 | New Dawn |
01 | Celebrate Life |
02 | Earthgirl |
03 | Northern Pastures |
04 | A Small Step For Mankind |
05 | Eria |
06 | Tears |
07 | Sleepless |
08 | Into Unknown Space |
09 | Forever In My Dreams |
10 | Sweet May |
11 | Elven Princess |
12 | Great Spirits |
13 | Remembrance |
14 | Setting Sail |
15 | Drifting Thoughts |
16 | Touched By Her Hand |
17 | Ancient Cities |
18 | Frozen Moment |
19 | Life Is Beautiful |
20 | Meant To Be |
21 | From The Heart Of Paris |
22 | Reset Life |
23 | A Thousand Miles Apart |
24 | Blink Of An Eye (A) |
25 | Blink Of An Eye (B) |
26 | Missed You |
27 | Painted By Numbers |
28 | Goodbye For Now |
29 | Memories |
30 | Dreams & Imaginations |
31 | It Tells A Story |
32 | El Mexicano |
33 | Once Upon A Time |
34 | It's The Season For Love |
35 | Forgotten Realms |
01 | Clair Voyant |
02 | Deep Seeded |
03 | River Of Tears |
04 | Broken Hearts |
05 | A Hero's Return |
06 | Another Life |
07 | Forgotten September |
08 | Lament For The Lonely |
09 | Chill Of The Night |
10 | Silent Prayer |
11 | Torches |
12 | Supression |
13 | Endless Night |
14 | Susanna's Mourning |
15 | Falling |
16 | Snowfall |
17 | Perfect Assassination |
18 | Hell's Gate |
19 | Electric People |
20 | Mulholland Drive |
21 | Mio Rio |
22 | Intoxication |
23 | Visions |
24 | Mmm Chicken |
25 | Possessed Gramophone |
26 | Behold Atlantis |
01 | Secrets Of The Mind (No Vocals) |
02 | Through Devil's Eyes (No Choir) |
03 | Bed Of Roses (No Vocals) |
04 | It Tells A Story (No Choir) |
05 | It's The Season For Love (No Choir) |
06 | Forgotten September (B) |
07 | Hell's Gate (No Vocals) |

01 | ASAP (Choir) (2:27) |
02 | ASAP (Voice) (Choir) (2:26) |
03 | ASAP (Voice) (2:28) |
04 | Asimov (Choir) (2:11) |
05 | Calamity (Choir) (1:41) |
06 | Calamity (Remix) (1:50) |
07 | Calamity (Strings Only) (1:41) |
08 | Call to Arms (Choir) (0:56) |
09 | Crusaders (Choir) (1:57) |
10 | Day Becomes Night (Choir) (2:19) |
11 | Destiny of Mankind (Choir) (1:52) |
12 | Divine Intervention (Choir) (2:09) |
13 | Down With The Enterprise (Choir) (2:56) |
14 | Dreams of the Dead (Choir) (1:55) |
15 | Equus (Choir) (2:35) |
16 | Fallout (Choir) (2:30) |
17 | Fateful Night (Choir) (2:22) |
18 | Fill My Heart (Choir) (2:23) |
19 | Forces of Destiny (Choir) (2:29) |
20 | Freedom Fighters (Choir) (2:28) |
21 | Goddysey (Choir) (2:27) |
22 | Heart of Courage (Choir) (1:57) |
23 | Hypnotica (Choir) (2:09) |
24 | Infinite legends (Choir) (2:01) |
25 | Legions of Faith (Choir) (2:40) |
26 | Moonlight Armies (Choir) (2:48) |
27 | Never Forget (Choir) (2:25) |
28 | Never Forget (Voice) (Choir) (2:19) |
29 | Never Forget (Voice) (2:19) |
30 | Perchance to Dream (Choir) (1:59) |
31 | Perilous Journey (Choir) (2:10) |
32 | Protectors of the Earth (Choir) (2:50) |
33 | Rising Force (Choir) (1:51) |
34 | Smell of Victory (Choir) (1:53) |
35 | The Crossing (Choir) (2:03) |
36 | Undying Love (Choir - Extended Mix) (2:52) |
37 | White Witch (Choir) (2:41) |
01 | Adventure of a Lifetime (No Choir) (1:09) |
02 | ASAP (No Choir) (2:27) |
03 | Asimov (No Choir) (2:11) |
04 | Calamity (No Choir) (1:40) |
05 | Call to Arms (No Choir) (0:56) |
06 | Crusaders (No Choir) (1:56) |
07 | Day Becomes Night (No Choir) (2:19) |
08 | Destiny of Mankind (No Choir) (1:51) |
09 | Divine Intervention (No Brass - No Choir) (2:09) |
10 | Divine Intervention (No Choir) (2:09) |
11 | Down With The Enterprise (No Choir) (2:56) |
12 | Dreams of the Dead (No Choir) (1:55) |
13 | Equus (No Choir) (2:35) |
14 | Equus (No Snare) (No Choir) (2:36) |
15 | Fields of Blood (No Choir) (2:39) |
16 | Fill My Heart (No Choir) (2:23) |
17 | Forces of Destiny (No Choir) (2:28) |
18 | Freedom Fighters (No Choir) (2:28) |
19 | Goddysey (No Choir) (2:27) |
20 | Heart of Courage (No Choir) (1:57) |
21 | Hypnotica (No Choir) (2:09) |
22 | Infinite legends (No Choir) (2:01) |
23 | Legions of Faith (No Choir) (2:40) |
24 | Moonlight Armies (No Choir) (2:48) |
25 | Never Forget (No Choir) (2:25) |
26 | Perchance to Dream (No Choir) (2:00) |
27 | Protectors of the Earth (No Choir) (2:50) |
28 | Red Carpets (No Choir) (0:59) |
29 | Rising Force (No Choir) (1:51) |
30 | Shadows of Beauty (No Choir) (2:30) |
31 | The Crossing (No Choir) (2:03) |
32 | Undying Love (No Choir) (2:30) |
33 | Voyager (No Choir) (1:13) |
34 | White Witch (No Choir) (2:41) |

1 | Ashes (2:14) |
2 | Black Hat (2:01) |
3 | Burn Baby (No Piano) (1:23) |
4 | Burn Baby (Piano) (1:30) |
5 | Crawlspace (0:48) |
6 | Crossword Killer (2:10) |
7 | Darkxis (1:44) |
8 | Deck the Halls with Blood (2:12) |
9 | Executive Decision (2:28) |
10 | Exhumed (No Laughter) (2:45) |
11 | Exhumed (2:45) |
12 | Final Corridor (1:46) |
13 | Flashes of Terror (No Drums) (1:30) |
14 | Flashes of Terror (1:29) |
15 | Fragments of Deception (2:08) |
16 | Frozen Paths (No Drums) (2:14) |
17 | Frozen Paths (2:14) |
18 | Green Hill Massacre (1:37) |
19 | Helevator (FX Only) (2:01) |
20 | Helevator (2:09) |
21 | Horror By Design 1 (0:37) |
22 | Horror By Design 2 (0:22) |
23 | Horror By Design 3 (0:31) |
24 | Jocelyn Janson (1:45) |
25 | Kiss of Night (1:32) |
26 | London 1920 (1:37) |
27 | Madnophone (FX Only) (1:37) |
28 | Madnophone (1:37) |
29 | Moving Shadows II (2:00) |
30 | Photos in Darkness (2:24) |
31 | Point Of No Return (1:39) |
32 | Raven Hill (1:35) |
33 | Run For Your Limbs (NC) (1:20) |
34 | Run For Your Limbs (1:20) |
35 | Severe Medication (2:00) |
36 | Smoke (2:32) |
37 | Something Wicked Lurks (1:12) |
38 | Split Personality (1:32) |
39 | Stumpy (FX Only) (2:16) |
40 | Stumpy (2:17) |
41 | Suburban Legend (2:25) |
42 | Surrounding The Church (1:13) |
43 | Swing-set Murders (1:45) |
44 | Take Me To Hell (FX Only) (2:00) |
45 | Take Me To Hell (2:18) |
46 | The Chopper (2:30) |
47 | Time is Fleeting (2:28) |
48 | Twisted Children (1:24) |
49 | Zombie Train (No Drums) (2:20) |
50 | Zombie Train (2:20) |

1 | After The Fall (No Voice) (2:27) |
2 | After The Fall (2:27) |
3 | American Soldier (No Perc Intro) (1:10) |
4 | American Soldier (1:09) |
5 | Baron Von Scheissenhausen (1:07) |
6 | Broommaker's Assistant (2:22) |
7 | Clock Tower Parade (2:56) |
8 | Election Daze (1:51) |
9 | Foggy Beginnings (1:30) |
10 | Follow That Kid (2:06) |
11 | I Smell A Rat (1:14) |
12 | Leaping Lucifer (1:00) |
13 | Levitating Lilimongers (1:29) |
14 | Liar Liar Pants on Fire (0:46) |
15 | Little Ben (3:46) |
16 | Love Doctor (1:47) |
17 | Midtown Mayhem (1:28) |
18 | Monkey Business (2:38) |
19 | My Little Friend Max (1:40) |
20 | Professor Pumplestickle (No Band) (1:51) |
21 | Professor Pumplestickle (1:52) |
22 | Say Yes (1:47) |
23 | Secret Places (1:42) |
24 | Sky Brigade (1:34) |
25 | Smirnoff (1:05) |
26 | Sunrise (1:00) |
27 | The Whistleblower (2:02) |
28 | To The Tower (1:18) |
29 | Toys Come Alive (2:08) |
30 | Venezuela (1:18) |
31 | Waltz of the Willows (1:59) |
32 | We Can Fly (With Bells) (1:28) |
33 | We Can Fly (1:29) |
34 | Will We Ever Meet Again (2:17) |

01 | Atlas (Alt 1) |
02 | Atlas (Alt 2) |
03 | Atlas |
04 | Bed Of Nails 0 |
05 | Black Blade (Alt 1) |
06 | Black Blade |
07 | Dark Harbor (Alt 1) |
08 | Dark Harbor |
09 | Earth Rising (Alt 1) |
10 | Earth Rising |
11 | Eternal Honor (Alt 1) |
12 | Eternal Honor (Alt 2) |
13 | Eternal Honor |
14 | Fire Nation(Alt 1) |
15 | Fire Nation(Alt 2) |
16 | Fire Nation |
17 | Gravitation |
18 | Invincible(Alt 1) |
19 | Invincible |
20 | Ironwing(Alt 1) |
21 | Ironwing |
22 | Jump! |

01 | Freedom Fighters |
02 | Heart of Courage |
03 | Master of Shadows |
04 | Moving Mountains |
05 | Am I Not Human? |
06 | Enigmatic Soul |
07 | Fire Nation |
08 | Black Blade |
09 | Super Strength |
10 | Invincible |
11 | False King |
12 | Hypnotica |
13 | Fill My Heart |
14 | Protectors of the Earth |
15 | Velocitron |
16 | Undying Love |
17 | 1000 Ships of the Underworld |
18 | Tristan |
19 | Breath of Ran Gor |
20 | Infinite Legends |
21 | To Glory |
22 | After the Fall |

01 | A Growing Feeling |
02 | Bamboozel |
03 | Before The Battle |
04 | Caspia |
05 | Corruption |
06 | Countdown To Insanity |
07 | Divide |
08 | Dominion |
09 | Dreams Of The Seven |
10 | Duduction |
11 | Earth |
12 | Fallen City |
13 | False Prince |
14 | Fragments Of Your Imagination |
15 | From The Past |
16 | Gravity |
17 | Highlands |
18 | Into The West |
19 | Irganon |
20 | It Always Comes |
21 | Lazuri |
22 | Loner |
23 | Mountaintops |
24 | Mystical Beginnings |
25 | Resting Place |
26 | Seeds Of Fury |
27 | Sole Survivor |
28 | Staff Of Lightning |
29 | Symbols In The Sand |
30 | The Golden Falls |
31 | The Wind Is Watching |
32 | Tragic Dragon |
33 | Transcending |
34 | Tree Of Forgiveness |
35 | Trekka |
36 | Ultimate Sacrifice |
37 | Unter Flow |
38 | Vatinime |
39 | Voice Of The Underworld |
40 | Walking To Damascus |
41 | Water Temple |
42 | Way To Earth |
43 | We Will Bury You |
44 | White Plains |

01 | Could've been (3'44) |
02 | I love you forever (4'00) |
03 | Ulthuan (1'32) |
04 | Corruption (3'02) |
05 | Organic multiplication (2'15) |
06 | Lost in Las Vegas (10'10) |
07 | Rapture (1'14) |
08 | Down (2'48) |
09 | Global waste (3'30) |
10 | Timelapse (2'05) |
11 | Hot cargo (2'00) |
12 | R.E.M (1'27) |
13 | Love suspended (3'26) |
14 | Shipwrecked (2'07) |
15 | Morningstar (1'00) |
16 | Missing letters (2'31) |
17 | She see's the future (1'46) |
18 | A hole in the sun (3'35) |
19 | Threnody (1'18) |
20 | Painted world (1'33) |
21 | Sidyana (4'22) |
22 | Enigma (3'08) |
23 | Paper planes (1'16) |
24 | Shaken, not stirred (3'20) |
25 | Science (2'06) |
26 | Prelude to a nightmare (3'43) |
27 | You walk this earth alone (1'58) |
28 | Cloud maker (2'31) |
29 | Walking on air (2'33) |
30 | You will count your dead (2'54) |
31 | He frail (1'25) |
32 | Bourne in the future (1'33) |
33 | Eyes closing (2'16) |

01 | Aura |
02 | Starvation |
03 | Dreammaker |
04 | Hurt |
05 | Ocean Princess |
06 | Gift of Life |
07 | Rada |
08 | A Place in Heaven |
09 | Merchant Prince |
10 | Promise |
11 | Femme Fatale |
12 | Homecoming |
13 | Immortal |
14 | Remember me |
15 | Sonera |
16 | Reborn |
17 | Age of Gods |
18 | Illusions |
19 | Soulseeker |

01 | Mercy In Darkness [01:11] |
02 | Archangel [02:35] |
03 | Everlasting [02:49] |
04 | United We Stand - Divided We Fall [03:58] |
05 | Love & Loss [01:49] |
06 | The Last Stand [02:50] |
07 | Nero [03:27] |
08 | Destructo [02:32] |
09 | Atlantis [01:57] |
10 | Strength Of A Thousand Men [02:17] |
11 | Unexplained Forces [03:11] |
12 | Magic Of Love [02:20] |
13 | Norwegian Pirate [03:00] |
14 | Dark Harbor [03:15] |
15 | Dragon Rider [01:54] |
16 | Mountains From Water [02:14] |
17 | Titan Dune [02:11] |
18 | Ironwing [02:38] |
19 | Army Of Justice [02:04] |
20 | Immortal Avenger [03:44] |
21 | He Who Brings The Night [03:07] |
22 | Caradhras [04:13] |
23 | Sanctuary Is Lost [02:05] |
24 | What's Happening To Me [03:10] |
25 | Aesir [04:50] |
26 | Friendship To Last [03:13] |

01 | United We Stand - Divided We Fall |
02 | Everlasting |
03 | Archangel |
04 | Destructo |
05 | Strength Of A Thousand Men |
06 | Am I Not Human |
07 | Magic Of Love |
08 | The Last Stand |
09 | Nero |
10 | Unexplained Forces |
11 | Salvation |
12 | Mountains From Water |
13 | Five Finger Fillet |
14 | Disappear |
15 | Caradhras |
16 | To Glory |
17 | Destiny Will Wait |
18 | Casablanca |
19 | Aesir |
20 | Starfall |
21 | Immortal Avenger |
22 | Undefeated |
23 | Sanctuary Is Lost |
24 | Birth Of A Hero |
25 | One Way Out |
26 | Area 51 |
27 | Ride To Victory |
28 | It Lives |
29 | King Louie Kablooey |
30 | Fatal Fury |
31 | The Devil Plays A Smoking Trumpet |
32 | Tower Of Mischief |
33 | Crack In Time |
34 | Oz No More |
35 | Fear The Resurrection |
36 | My Freedom |
37 | Lotus Mother |
38 | Exodus |
39 | Allegro Agitato |

01 | Reach For The Skies |
02 | Motherland |
03 | Strength Of An Empire |
04 | Benedictus |
05 | Men Of Honor |
06 | Welcome To Fantasia |
07 | Liberty Rising |
08 | Beyond The Horizon |
09 | Cassandra |
10 | Spirit Of Moravia |
11 | Forever More |
12 | Shes A Superhero |
13 | Heart |
14 | Into The Moonlight |
15 | Neptunes Secret |
16 | Hope |
17 | Men Of Honor Part Ii |
18 | An Awfully Big Adventure |
19 | Gloria |

01 | Possessed Gramophone |
02 | Cannibal |
03 | 72 Virgins |
04 | Swing-Set Murders |
05 | Moving Shadows |
06 | Photos in Darkness |
07 | Cemetery Waltz |
08 | To Die On Halloween (feat. Nick Phoenix) |
09 | This Is Oh My Dear (feat. Monica Barta) |
10 | Welcome to Widow Woods |
11 | Helevator |
12 | Ashes |
13 | Something Wicked Lurks |
14 | Come What May |
15 | Hunter's Moon |
16 | Green Hill Massacre |
17 | Ghostly Presence |
18 | Bottomless Pit of Torment |
19 | Crawlspace |
20 | Exhumed |
21 | Jocelyn Janson |
22 | Evil |
23 | Crossword Killer |
24 | Mmm Chicken |
25 | Diabolic Clockwork |
26 | Take Me to Hell |
27 | Deck the Halls With Blood (feat. Monica Barta) |
28 | Burn Baby |
29 | Death Came Early That Year |
30 | Madnophone |
31 | Power of Darkness |
32 | Shed My Skin |
33 | She Rises |
34 | Decimator |
35 | Stumpy |
36 | Calamity |
37 | Flashes of Terror |
38 | It Lives |
39 | Pane of Darkness |
40 | Twisted Children |
41 | Rising Darkness |
42 | Black Assassin |
43 | Raven Hill |
44 | Red Omen |
45 | Zombie Train |
46 | Split Personality |
47 | Waltz of the Willows |
48 | Otherworld |

01 | All Is Hell That Ends Well |
02 | Titan Dream |
03 | Titan Dream (No Solo Voice) |
04 | Titan Dream (No Choir) |
05 | Skyworld |
06 | El Dorado |
07 | The End Is The Beginning |
08 | The End Is The Beginning (No Choir) |
09 | All The Kings Horses |
10 | Realm Of Power |
11 | Realm Of Power (No Choir) |
12 | Winterspell |
13 | Blackheart |
14 | Juggernaut |
15 | Juggernaut (No Choir) |
16 | Dark Ages Remix |
17 | Our Last Hope |
18 | Our Last Hope (No Choir) |
19 | Icarus |
20 | Icarus (No Choir) |
21 | For The Win |
22 | Sun And Moon |
23 | Big Sky |
24 | Big Sky (No Choir) |
25 | Starfleet |
26 | Starfleet (No Choir) |
27 | Queen Of Crows |
28 | Queen Of Crows (No Choir) |
29 | Blizzard |
30 | Breathe |
31 | Back To Earth |
32 | Back To Earth (No Solo Voice) |
33 | Ocean Kingdom |
34 | Ocean Kingdom (No Choir) |
35 | Freedom Fighters Remix |
36 | Identity Crime |
37 | Beneath The Ice |
38 | The World Is Mind |
39 | The World Is Mind (No Solo Voice) |
40 | The World Is Mind (No Choir) |
41 | Children From The War |
42 | Requiem For Destruction |
43 | The Colonel |
44 | Stormwatch |
45 | Stormwatch (No Choir) |

01 | Iron Soul Dubstep Remix |
02 | Tyrianis Dubstep Remix |
03 | Strength Of A Thousand Men Dubstep Remix |
04 | All Is Hell That Ends Well Dubstep Remix |
05 | Winterspell Dubstep Remix |
06 | El Dorado Dubstep Remix |
07 | For The Win Dance Remix |
08 | Not Your Soul |

1 | Portals Over Earth |
2 | One By One |
3 | Rise Of Abbys |
4 | Invadorz |
5 | Sergeant Steel |
6 | This Must Be The Mother Ship |
7 | Countries Burning |
8 | Start Again |
9 | The Day The Sky Opened |
10 | Blood of The Titan |
11 | Sweet Rampage |
12 | Locating The Core |
13 | Steel Messenger |
14 | Killing Spree |
15 | Massive Outbreak |
16 | Special Unit |
17 | Echoes And Ashes |
18 | Hard Rain |
19 | The Purifier |
20 | First Incident |

01 | Nemesis 1 |
02 | Armada 1 |
03 | Magnan Imus |
04 | Jump! |
05 | Sons of War 2 |
06 | Return from Darkness |
07 | Strength of an Empire |
08 | Eternal Sorrow |
09 | The Ancients |
10 | Birth of a Hero |
11 | Sky Titans |
12 | Path to Earth |
13 | Earth Rising |
14 | Ironheart |
15 | Fortress of Seduction |
16 | Clairvoyant |
17 | White Witch |
18 | Spirit of Moravia |
19 | The Cross of Antiquan |
20 | Asimov |
21 | Stormwatch |
22 | The World Is Mind |
23 | Little Ben |

01 | Miracles |
02 | Eria |
03 | Compass |
04 | Sun Gazer |
05 | Eyes Closing |
06 | Fountain of Life |
07 | stay(feat.Merethe Soltvest) |
08 | Men of Honor |
09 | My freedom(feat.Merethe Soltvedt) |
10 | Perfect Love |
11 | Lux Aeterna |
12 | I Love You Forever |
13 | Color the Sky |
14 | Forever in My Dreams |
15 | Breath of Cold Air |
16 | Heart |
17 | Wind Queen |
18 | Northern pastures |
19 | Science |
20 | Lost in Las Vegas |
21 | Compass(Bouns Track) |

01 | NoneShallLive |
02 | Stormkeeper |
03 | |
04 | WolfKing |
05 | RiseAbove |
06 | |
07 | NeverBackDown |
08 | RedTower |
09 | CannonInDMinor |
10 | |
11 | StrongerFasterBraver |
12 | Battleborne |
13 | LastoftheLight |
14 | Ultraground |
15 | ReleaseMe |
16 | FreedomShip |
17 | Amaria |
18 | FlightoftheSilverbird |
19 | |
20 | |
21 | AcrosstheBloodWater |
22 | NoHonorInBlood |
23 | |
24 | |
25 | Battleborne-Instrumental |
26 | StarSky-Instrumental |

04 | RUNE |
07 | RUN FREE |
08 | ORACLE |
18 | EMBLEM |

01 | Unbreakable |
02 | First Contact |
03 | Bravestone |
04 | Dragon |
05 | Emerald Princess |
06 | At The Wall |
07 | Race to Durango |
08 | Untold |
09 | Dragonwing |
10 | Riders Of The Apocalypse |
11 | Skulls & Trombones |
12 | Lonely Are The Brave |
13 | Letters to God |
14 | Gift Of The Gods |
15 | Nighthawk |
16 | Snowball Fight |
17 | Cathedral |
18 | Believe |
19 | Take me With You |