《Traffic Management and Control :Principles ,Applications and Trends》是2017年人民交通出版社出版的圖書,作者是楊飛、羅霞。
- 外文名:Traffic Management and Control :Principles ,Applications and Trends
- 作者:楊飛、羅霞
- 出版時間:2017年7月
- 出版社:人民交通出版社
- ISBN:9787114134340
- 類別:圖書>教材>研究生/本科/專科教材>工學
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
- 紙張:膠版紙
In order to cultivate international professionals and enhance intemational communication, this textbook takes English as the main language, and introduces the basic concepts of traffic management and control, the domestic and foreign application cases and the future development trends.And the textbook wiU assist readers to bmaden their hori— zons,cultivate professional interests,and pmvide pmfessional expression in En91ish for reference as well. There are six ch印ters in the textbook.The main contents include:intmduction,traffie syatem management,traf- fic demand management,signal coordination for arterials and networks,signing and marking in traffic control,trends in taffic system. This textbook caIl be used as auXiliary edueational material for students majoring in transportation engineering,Be- sides.it could serve as reference for engineers and technicians engaged in transportation planning and management. 本書以培養國際化專業人才和促進國際交流為目標,以英語作為主要語言,詳細介紹了交通管理與控制 的基本概念、國內外套用案例和未來發展趨勢,輔助讀者開闊眼界、培養專業興趣,並提供可供參考的專業英 文表達方式。 全書共六章,主要內容包括:概述、交通系統管理、交通需求管理、幹線和道路網路信號協調控制、交通管 理標誌標線、交通管理與控制的發展趨勢。 本書可作為交通工程類專業學生的輔助學習教材,也可供從事交通運輸規劃與管理的工程技術人員參 考使用。
1 Introduction
1.1 Conception
2 Transportation System Management
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Background
2.3 TSM strategies and planning
2.4 Further reading
3 Transportation Demand Management
3.2 Background
3.5 Paratransit
3.6 Bicycle transportation engineering
4 Signal Coordination for Arterials and Networks
4.1 Basic principles of signal coordination
4.2 Signal progression on one-way streets
4.3 Signal progression for two-way streets and networks
4.4 Coordination of signals for oversaturated networks
4.5 Computer-controlled traffic systems