Todd B. Marder

Todd B. Marder

德國維爾茨堡大學化學系教授,歐洲科學院院士、巴伐利亞科學院院士、英國皇家化學會會士。Marder教授於1976年在麻省理工學院獲得學士學位、1981年在美國加利福尼亞大學獲得博士學位之後,先後任英國布里斯托大學從事博士後、杜邦化學高級研究員、加拿大滑鐵盧大學助理教授(1985)、副教授(1989),於1992年升任教授,1997年起任英國杜倫大學講席教授,2012年起任德國Universität Würzburg無機化學研究所講席教授.


  • 畢業院校:University of California at Los Angeles
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:Inorganic Chemistry
  • 任職院校: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


1976-1981 Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), with Prof. Dr. M. F. Hawthorne
1972-1976 B.Sc. in Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with Prof. Dr. A. Davison, FRS
Since2012 Professor (Chair) of Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
1997-2012 Professor (Chair) of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Durham, UK
2000-2008 Head, "Structure, Property and Function" Research Group
1999-2000 Head, "Structure, Bonding, Spectroscopy and Theory" Research Group, Durham, UK
1998-2003 Head, Inorganic Teaching Section, Durham, UK
1993-1997 Full Professor, University of Waterloo
1989-1993 Associate Professor (tenured), University of Waterloo
1985-1989 Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada
1983-1985 Visiting Research Scientist, E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. Inc., Central Research and Development Department, USA
1981-1983 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bristol, UK (with Professor F. G. A. Stone, CBE, FRS)
2016 Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
2014 David Craig Visiting Professor – Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
2013-2019 Guest Professor, Shandong University, China
2013-2015 Jiangnan Distinguished Professor, Jiangnan Univ., China
Since2012 Visiting Professor, Northeast Normal University, China
2012-2017 Honorary Professor of Chemistry, University of Durham, UK
2009 Visiting Professor, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
2007-2012 Honorary Professor, Newcastle University (UK), North-East England Stem Cell Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences
2006-2018 Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, HongKong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, HongKong
2003 Visiting Professor, HongKong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, HongKong
1997-2000 Adjunct Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada
1997 Visiting Professor, University of Newcastle, UK
1996 Faculty of Science Visiting Fellow, University of Bristol, UK
1993 Professeur Invité, Université de RennesI, France


Research Topics
1 Conjugated organometallic, organoboron and organicmaterials forl inear and nonlinear optics and cell imaging
2 Metal-boryl complexes (Reactivity and synthesis of model catalyticinter mediates)
3 Homogeneous catalysis (Borylations including C-H and C-X bond functionalization, borylations with Cu, Zn or metal-free, cross-couplings, oxidations)
4 Synthesis of small organicmolecules which trigger stem cell differentiation (especially synthetic retinoids)
5 Crystal engineering using perfluoroarene-areneinter actions


Organising Committees and Program Leadership (selected)
2011 Organiser, First Research Councils UK UK-China Workshopon “Metalsin Organic Synthesis: Towards Cleaner, Greener Chemical Processes,” at Peking University, Beijing, China
2011 Durham Leader, Durham University–University of RennesI, France CNRSLEA-European Associated Laboratory
2010 Chairman, Scientific Committee, RSC Dalton Discussion 12 Conferenceon “Catalytic C-H and C-X Bond Activation,” (UK)
Since2005 Int’l Scientific Committee IMEBORON conference series
Since2004 Int’l Scientific Committee EUROBORON conference series
2000-2003 Member of the Dalton Division Council, RSC (UK)
1999 Co-organiser, 10 International Conf. on Boron Chemistry
Reviewing and Program Examining (selected)
2008-2009 External Examiner for Department of Chemistry, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
2007-2010 External Examiner for Integrated Master’s, Master of Chemistry Programs, University of East Anglia, UK
2005-2011 Member of the Industrial Advisory Board for Molecular Engineering, Newcastle University, UK
Since2003 Member of the EPSRC (UK) Peer Review College
1999-2002 External Examinerin Inorganic Chemistry for undergraduate programme, University of Edinburgh, UK
Editorial Boards
Present Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of Inorganica Chimica Acta, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Chemistry Central Journal
Past Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of Organometallics, Inorganic Chemistry, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Polyhedron, Crystal Engineering
Most Important Recent Research Grants
2015-2018 High Resolution Mass Spectrometer with ESI/HPLC-ESI/APCI/ASAP/LIFDI Ionization
2015-2018 Switching Between Fluorescence and Phosphorescence–Synthesisand Optical Properties of Metallacyclopentadienes
2015 TWAS-DFG Visitof Prof. Helen Oluwatola Omoregie
2014-2017 Earth Abundant Metal Catalyzed Borylations
2014-2018 COSTparticipant–European Network on Smart Inorganic Polymers
2009-2012 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Metal Catalysed Reactions and Boron-Containing Optical Materials (EPSRC)
2008-2013 Synthesis of Retinoic Acid Derivatives for Stem Cell Differentiation (High Force Research/EPSRC Industrial CASE)
2008-2012 New Array Strategies Using C-H Borylation Chemistry (EPSRC)
Patents issued (several pending)
Stefan Przyborski, Andrew Whiting, Todd Marder, “Synthetic retinoids for controlof cell differentiation”,
Publications Summary
Publications - 310; (of 298 listed on Web of Science: h-index 75; Citations 17,994 (non-self-citations 16,051), 52 papers with 100 or more citations each, 116 papers with 50 or more citations each). Edited 2 books on boron chemistry and 3 journal issues. Patents-8 applied (1 granted thusfar).
383 Invited lectures at conferences, universities, government and industry labs worldwide.
Forexample: Plenary Lecture, XXV International Conferenceon Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2012; Keynote Lecture, Symposiumon “Cutting Edge Molecules for Biological Materials and Imaging Applications ”Co-organized by The HongKong Polytechnic University and HongKong Baptist University, HongKong, April 2015; Plenary Lecture at the 18 IUPAC International Symposiumon Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS18), Sitges-Barcelona, Spain, June 2015; Plenary Lecture (RSC Organometallic Chemistry Award Lecture), Dalton 2016, Warwick, UK, April 2016; Invited Lecture, Boron in the Americas, Kingston, Canada, June 2016; Keynote Lecture, 2nd-International Caparica Conferenceon Chromogenic and Emissive Materials, Lisbon, September 2016. Plenary Lecture, PBSi 2017, Paris, France, July 2017.
Recent Academic Lectures: October 2015: Peking University, Beijing, China; University of Science and Technology China, Hefei, China; Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), ChineseAcademy of Science, Shanghai, China. December 2015: University of Heidelberg, Germany, (Lieseberg-Kolloquium). January 2016: University of Leeds, England (RSC Lecture); University of Bristol, England (RSC Lecture); University of Kassel, Germany, (GDCh Lecture). University of Stuttgart, Germany, January 2016 (GDCh Lecture). February 2016: 9CaRLa Winter School on Homogeneous Catalysis, BASF/University of Heidelberg, (2 lectures); Laboratoire de Physiqueet Chimiedes Nano-Objets, INSA, Toulouse, France; University of Edinburgh, Scotl and (RSC Lecture); University of Durham, England (RSC Lecture). March 2016: Kings College, London, England; Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England. October 2016: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (4 lectures as Visiting Professor).


Since2015 Member of the Bayerische Akademieder Wissenschaften (Bavarian Academy of Science)
2015 RSC Award in Organometallic Chemistry (UK)
2012 RSC Rita and John Cornforth Team Award (UK)
2010 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award
2010 Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (UK)
2010 JSPS Invitation Fellowship (Japan)
2008 RSC Award in Main Group Element Chemistry (UK)
2003-2004 Sir Derman Christophers on Foundation Fellowship (UK)
2003-2004 Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Fellowship (UK)
Since1997 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
1995 Rutherford Memorial Medal for Chemistry, TheRoyal Society of Canada (Canada)
1976-1980 University of California, Regents InternFellowship (USA)
1972-1976 New York State Regents Fellowship–declined


