This is London

This is London

《This is London》是2004年 Universe Publishing Inc.,U.S.出版的圖書,作者是Miroslav Sasek。


  • 書名:This is London
  • 作者:Miroslav Sasek
  • 出版社: Universe Publishing Inc.,U.S.
  • 出版時間:2004年
  • ISBN:9780789310620


With the same wit and perception that distinguished his charming books on Paris, New York, and San Francisco, M Sasek presents stylish, elegant London in This is London , first published in 1959 and now updated for the 21st century. Here this beloved illustrator shares his impressions of London with its beautiful buildings, historic monuments, bridges, parks, shops and Piccadilly Circus, black cabs, Horse Guards, and famed Underground. Sasek has cast his loving eye on London and the result are colorful, sophisticated pictures of one of the most exciting cities in the world, paired with a lively text that keeps a playful sense of fun while taking the reader to the highlights of one of the world’s great capitals.
This is London is a facsimile editions of Sasek’s original title. His brilliant, vibrant illustrations have been meticulously preserved and remain true to his vision. With the passing of time facts have been updated where applicable in the back of the book. The result is a treasure with an elegant, classic look and delightful narrative that will charm both children and their parents, many of whom will remember the same book from their own childhood.


捷克籍畫家M. Sasek最著名的This is系列。他開始想為兒童創作是在一次巴黎假期所引發的感想,於是在1959年創作了第一本《This is Paris》,其後這系列陸續出版近二十本書。畫風簡潔復古,具經典質感,表現手法即使到今天,也依然引人矚目。每個城市中精準的建築描繪、色彩豐富的插圖,帶點幽默以及細節的畫風完全緊抓著小讀者的目光,文字與視覺的描述中也都保留屬於兒童特有的驚奇觀點。不論如何,This is系列之所以如此長壽,全都在於掌握了關懷並尊重兒童的喜好與需要,系列中的《This is London》和《This is New York》分別獲得紐約時報1959年和1960年最佳圖書插畫,《This is United Nations》則獲得1979年IBBY榮譽書單。


