They Shall Have Music

《They Shall Have Music》是由Archie Mayo執導的電影,由Irma von Cube、John Howard Lawson擔任編劇,Jascha Heifetz、喬爾·麥克雷等主演。


  • 外文名:They Shall Have Music
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:Archie Mayo
  • 編劇:Irma von Cube、John Howard Lawson
  • 主演:Jascha Heifetz、喬爾·麥克雷
  • 上映時間:1939年07月26日


Archie MayoIrma von Cube、John Howard Lawson


HimselfJascha Heifetz
Peter McCarthy喬爾·麥克雷
Ann Lawson安德烈·利茲
FrankieGene Reynolds
Professor Lawson沃爾特·布倫南
LimeyTerry Kilburn
Mr. Flower波特·哈爾
Rocks MulliganWalter Tetley
Fever JonesChuck Stubbs
WillieTommy Kelly
BettyJacqueline NashGale Sherwood
Musical Director阿爾弗雷德·紐曼
SuzieMary Ruth
DavisJohn St. Polis
MenkenAlexander SchoAlexander Schoenberg
Mrs. Miller瑪約瑞·曼恩
Mr. MillerArthur Hohl
Heifetz's ManagPaul Harvey
ThemselvesThe PeterPeter Meremblum and the California Junior Symphony
Woman on Steps (uncrEffie Anderson
Woman in Alley YelliJessie Arnold
Detective (uncrediteArthur Aylesworth
Himself - AccompanisEmanuel Bay
Extra in Concert AudBrooks Benedict
Cellist in MeremblumRichard Berres
Policeman at PoliceStanley Blystone
Kid in Orchestra (unMorris Boltuch
Bill - Police LieuteWade Boteler
Willie's MotherVirginia Brissac
Woman Angry at HusbaDorothy Christy
Henry - Heifetz'Charles Coleman
Girl in Orchestra (uKaye Connor
A Woman in Line (uncDulcie Day
Pawn Broker (uncrediJoe De Stefani
Concertgoer ThrowingAlan Edwards
Violinist (uncrediteVirginia Ellis
Woman on Steps (uncrFern Emmett
Police Sergeant (uncJames Flavin
Detective (uncrediteJohn Hamilton
Policeman at Barney&Robert Homans
Michael - Deputy (un羅傑·英霍夫
Mr. Morgam (uncreditPerry Ivins
Mr. Wallace (uncrediFrank Jaquet
Kelly (uncredited)John Kelly
Film Delivery(uncredEthan Laidlaw
Woman in Line (uncreMrs. Willard Louis
Pianist (uncredited)黛安娜琳
Police Chief (uncredJ. Farrell MacDonald
Deputy (uncredited)Louis Mason
Woman on Steps (uncrAnne O'Neal
Policeman in Rain (uEmory Parnell
Policeman in AuditorLee Phelps
Violinist (uncrediteEdwina Pierce
Man in concert audie西戈·魯曼
Heifetz's AccomTheodore Saidenberg
Undetermined Role (uWyndham Standing
Inspector Johnson (uPaul Stanton
Undetermined Role (uElizabeth Valentine
Police Chief'sEmmett Vogan
Usher in Carnegie HaBryant Washburn Jr.
Film Delivery(uncredBilly Wayne
Betty's MotherMarjorie Wood
Cellist in orchestraMary Louise Zeyen


