The ninth panchen lama a biography

The ninth panchen lama a biography

《The ninth panchen lama a biography》是2020年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:The ninth panchen lama a biography
  • 作者:韓敬山,喜饒尼瑪
  • 類別:英語讀物
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508544625


“人文西藏”叢書旨在通過新手法、新視角,點面結合,立體呈現,講好中國西藏故事。全套叢書分為兩輯:一是“西藏風情”系列:包括《雪域經輪——西藏宗教考釋》《藏地風土——西藏民俗趣談》《物華天寶——西藏藝術掠影》《高原華章——西藏文學擷英》《流年乾坤——西藏歷史述略》,全方位描繪西藏風土人情和歷史、文化風貌,向國內外讀者展示西藏魅力和時代亮色;二是“西藏歷史文化名人”系列:包括《松贊乾布》《元朝首任帝師八思巴》《九世班禪傳》《首席代表阿沛·阿旺晉美》,通過西藏歷史人物形象側面反映西藏社會的演進和轉折,讓歷史人物走進新的歷史方位。The series “Tibet History and Culture” tells the stories about Tibet from a new perspective. It includes such books as A Brief History of Tibet, A Study of Tibetan Religions, Tibetan Folk Customs, Tibetan Literature, A Snapshot of Tibetan Arts, The Biography of Songtsen Gampo, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa: The First Imperial Preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ninth Panchen Lama: A Biography and Chief Tibetan Delegate Ngabo Ngawang Jigme.本書全面介紹了清末民國西藏地區宗教上層人物九世班禪的生平掌故,九世班禪不僅佛學造詣極深,而且有政治遠見、顧全大局。書中精當利用歷史文獻、典籍、檔案資料等,真實展示了一個宗教領袖的成長經歷和政治、宗教活動,早期他與十三世達賴喇嘛共同領導了抗英鬥爭,晚年又積極參與抗日活動。他一生始終一貫地為維護祖國統一、民族團結而努力。This is a full biography of the 9th Panchen Lama, China’s highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist leader and political figure in the early 20th century, who joined in his earlier years the 13th Dalai Lama in leading the patriotic fight against British expedition to Tibet, and was later actively involved in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. He was remarkably known for his lifelong devotion to China’s national unification and solidarity.


喜饒尼瑪,藏族,四川爐霍人。陝西師範大學人文社科高等研究院特聘教授,中央民族大學二級教授、博士生導師。享受國務院政府特殊津貼,兼任中國民族史學會副會長等職務。曾主持國家社科基金及其他多個項目,論著曾獲省部級特等獎等。 韓敬山,滿族,遼寧大連人,中央民族大學藏學研究院博士、哲學與宗教學學院宗教心理學博士後。研究領域為近現代中央政府治藏及漢僧入藏史研究、藏傳佛教格魯派轉世制度研究等。2019年台灣“中央研究院近代史研究所”訪問學人。Shesrab Nyima, born to a Tibetan family in Luhuo County of Sichuan Province, is a professor and PhD supervisor at Minzu University of China and a visiting professor at the Institute for AdvancedStudies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University. A recipient of the special government allowances of the State Council of China, he has also served as Vice President of the Chinese Association for Nationality History, and head researcher of a series of research projects including those sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China. Some of his academic publications have won prestigious awards in China.Han Jingshan, born to a Manchu family in Dalian City of Liaoning Province, graduated with a PhD degree in Tibetan Studies and served as a post-doctoral researcher in Psychology of Religion at Minzu University of China. His research areas include China’s central governance in Tibet, development of Chinese Han Buddhism in Tibet, and Gelugpa Buddhism incarnation system. In 2019, he was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taiwan).


