The history of Chinese locomotives 70 years in retrospect

The history of Chinese locomotives 70 years in retrospect

《The history of Chinese locomotives 70 years in retrospect》是2019年外文出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:The history of Chinese locomotives 70 years in retrospect
  • 作者:王雄
  • 類別:政治類圖書
  • 譯者:向娜、岳曉玲
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787119120720




Foreword Trains and the World
Chapter 1 Steam Locomotives Run "amid Clouds and Mist"
Section 1 Spring for China-made steam locomotives
Section 2 The red, round driving wheels
Section 3 Qianjin freight locomotives
Chapter 2 Diesel Locomotives Roar Thunderously
Section 1 The two successtul models of ulong and Weixing
Section 2 The locomotive trio
Section 3 The classics of the Dongfeng family
Section 4 Connection with the world
Chapter 3 Electric Locomotives Speed Up
Section 1 The call of the Age of Electricity
Section 2 Three generations of China-made Shaoshan electriclocomotives
Section 3 Foreign-made locomotives in China
Section 4 Introduction of the "Hercules" technology
Section 5 Weight of the "Gold Name Card"
Chapter 4 High-speed Trains "Fly" on Land
Section 1 Origins of China-made MUs
Section 2 The pristine Hexie EMU
Section 3 The grand debut of Fuxing bullet trains
Section 4 High-speed maglev trains
Afterword The Cultural Sign in Locomotive
Postscript My Locomotive Career


 Wang Xiong is a member of the Chinese Writers'Association, chairman of the Chinese Railway Writers'Association, and adjunct professor at Southwest University. He was a train driver and president of People's Rail magazine, and started literary creation in 1989. He has written novels, essays, non-Fiction, and academic papers. Many ofhis works have been published in journals such as Peop!.es Literature, Chinese Writers, Youth Literature,Selected Stories, and Selected Novelettes. His representative novels include the Hanshui culture trilogy of Yin Yang Monument, Tbe Time-honored Patina, and The jingui Silver Chamber, the second of which has been translated into English and published by Foreign Languages Press for domestic and international readers. His book China Speed:
  China's High-Speed Rail has also been published by Foreign Languages Press in eight languages including Chinese,English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Spanish and

