The Wisdom of Fairy Tales

The Wisdom of Fairy Tales

《The Wisdom of Fairy Tales》是一本圖書,作者是Meyer, Rudolf


  • ISBN:9780863152085
  • 作者:Meyer, Rudolf
  • 出版時間:1995年1月
  • 頁數:268
  • 定價:135.00元
The fairy tale with its archetypal images lives on through all the changes and upheavals of society. This book attempts to rediscover the lost meaning of these stories, and shows how they can have a profound positive influence on the developing mind of the child. The author contends that telling fairy tales to children today gives spiritual nourishment which later in life can b...(展開全部) The fairy tale with its archetypal images lives on through all the changes and upheavals of society. This book attempts to rediscover the lost meaning of these stories, and shows how they can have a profound positive influence on the developing mind of the child. The author contends that telling fairy tales to children today gives spiritual nourishment which later in life can be a source of ideals and imaginative creative thinking. The prince, the tailor, the miller, Snow White and Cinderella are images of different elements of our own nature. It is this resonance, he says, which endears these figures to us. There is a wisdom in these characters which runs deeper than allegory or what can be found in psychoanalysis. (Amazon)


