The Session

《The Session》是dropb演唱的歌曲,由DropB作詞,MARSIX作曲,收錄於專輯《The Session》。


  • 外文名:The Session
  • 所屬專輯:The Session
  • 歌曲原唱:dropb
  • 填詞:DropB
  • 譜曲:MARSIX
  • 發行日期:2020年2月1日
把本子打開 Open your book
回到過去逛了一圈 Take a walk through the past
未來走了一天 Walk in the future for a day
鳳毛麟角的事情 All those trivialities
先丟到一邊 Just put them aside
無法改變 有些情緒已經不再新鮮You can’t change, those emotions aren’t new
調整好時間 Manage your time
加入更多實踐 嘗試新了的實驗Try new things, experiment
在量變產生質變之前 儘快找到能源 Find the energy before quantitative becomes qualitative
將其通電 好得到應驗 Electrify it, get reward from the risk
最後的成果都將變現 Final outcomes become reality
結果只是經歷過程中決定的某一種An outcome is only one of life’s experiences
每個人的世界都不同 Everyone's world is different
並不那么容易懂 And it's not so easy to get
火藥留的孔 金融造的縫Holes left by gunpowder, fissures of financial collapse
少數人的心裡種 多數人的夢Few people’s thoughts are on the dream of the many
多數人的心事重 The many have a lot on their mind
套個公式用 找個公司用Calculate the formula, find a company to use
沒有宮室用 只有供使用
No palace for you, you get to rent another’s
Just Love For Only One
星際穿越一半 公轉自轉
Halfway through the universe, rotating and orbiting
Looking for an electric drill
Drill for oil, gold and diamonds
A galactic lab scout
Only to plant flags in more territory
蓋茨比跟哈士奇 從東京飛到巴黎
Gatsby and the huskies flew from Tokyo to Paris
地球儀跟凳子齊 隨便怎么選
Choose between a globe and a stool, whatever you like
蒙上你的眼 捂住你的臉
Cover your eyes and your face
隨便怎么演 先找個指甲剪
Act any way you like, first get a nail clipper
修飾一些體面 面膜多敷幾片
Tidy yourself up and don’t forget the face mask
Build up some self-respect
I think the sandstorm on the road is big enough
After all, cabin pressure increased by thousands of slaps
scratch。The top students of old shcool are in their dorms scratching
The drop-out punks are watching silk stockings in the bar
我像個繪畫家 畫裡藏著話
I’m like a painter, there’s words in my paintings
也是個會話家 話我畫的畫
And also a conversationalist, speaking what I draw
Ross the screw ordered a Rochefort No. 9 in Russia
Ask out that girl on your WeChat to brag and pay for drinks
Choose not to return or choose not to return or the ghost in the heart
It's like the DJ at the electric fest has to turn every knob
The MC videos I see, their fronting, barking just like dogs
Look at the boring lyrics
Are you in the right place?
You’re worn out, you want some company
You can't guess who I am, only hearing my voice
I messaged you on WeChat, you chose not to reply
選擇不回 或者選擇不歸 還是心中有鬼
Choose not to reply or choose not to return, you’ve a guilty conscience
我做到讓人幸會 接著產生敬佩
I’m a pleasure to meet, next comes awe in the heart
最後對我敬畏 拉幫結夥的把我歸做另類
Finally is awe of me, gang up on me to classify me as an outlier
你太過於迂腐 所以屈服於權貴
You are too pedantic, you yield to authority
但我出拳貴 招式過於前衛
But my expensive moves are too avant-garde
你謀了權 還篡了位 我來懲你犯的罪
And thou usurped power and sat in my throne, I’m here to punish thy transgressions
一是一 二是二
One is one and two is two
塵歸塵 土歸土
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
They are all paper tigers
以眼還眼 以牙還牙
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
懲惡揚善 數罪併罰
Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes
一是一 二是二
Black is black, white is white
They’re all idiots
以眼還眼 以牙還牙
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
懲惡揚善 數罪併罰
Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes
一是一 二是二
One is one and two is two
塵歸塵 土歸土
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
以眼還眼 以牙還牙
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
懲惡揚善 數罪併罰
Encourage people to do good, punish evil-doers by their crimes
一是一 二是二
One is one and two is two
塵歸塵 土歸土
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
They’re all…
They’re all…


