The River Between

The River Between

《The River Between》是Heinemann International Literature & Textbooks出版的圖書,作者是Ngugi Wa Thiong'o


  • ISBN:9780435905484
  • 作者:Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
  • 出版社:Heinemann International Literature & Textbooks
  • 出版時間:1989年1月31日
  • 頁數:152
  • 定價:GBP 8.90
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Christian missionaries attempt to outlaw the female circumcision ritual and in the process create a terrible rift between the two Kikuyu communities on either side of the river. The people are torn between those who believe in Western/Christian education and the opportunities it will offer, and those who feel that only unquestioned loyalty to past traditions will save them. The...(展開全部) Christian missionaries attempt to outlaw the female circumcision ritual and in the process create a terrible rift between the two Kikuyu communities on either side of the river. The people are torn between those who believe in Western/Christian education and the opportunities it will offer, and those who feel that only unquestioned loyalty to past traditions will save them. The growing conflict brings tragedy to a pair of young lovers who attempted to bridge the deepening chasm. 恩古吉·瓦·提安哥(1938— ),肯亞小說家、劇作家、政論家,生於利穆魯一農民家庭。一九六四年畢業於烏干達馬赫雷雷大學,後入英國利茲大學續修文學。一九六七年回國,在奈洛比大學任教,改英國文學係為非洲文學和語言系。一九七七年因抗議當局對英語的強制性教育而被政府逮捕,獲釋後與家人過著流亡的生活,直到肯亞前總統阿拉普·莫伊下台才終於得以安全回國。 他的作品還包括《孩子,你別哭》《一粒麥種》《血染的花瓣》《十字架上的魔鬼》等。恩古吉現居美國,在紐約大學任教並繼續寫作。


