The Reality of Karel Appel

The Reality of Karel Appel

The Reality of Karel Appel是由Jan Vrijman執導的一部荷蘭紀錄片,1962年6月西德上映。



  • 中文名:卡爾-阿佩爾
  • 外文名:The Reality of Karel Appel
  • 別名:De Werkelijkheid van Karel Appel
  • 類型:紀錄片 / 短片
  • 導演:Jan Vrijman
  • 編劇:Jan Vrijman
卡爾-阿佩爾是荷蘭現代繪畫史上最具爭議性的藝術家之一,他的創作自由即興無拘無束,像是一次對自我情緒的宣洩和放任,其抽象的畫風也影響很廣。本片是少有的記錄阿佩爾創作過程的影片,導演Jan Vrijman用了近兩年的時間做準備,富有創意地將藝術家外出尋找靈感的經歷與繪畫時的激情場景交叉剪輯在一起,並配上Dizzy Gillespie的先鋒爵士樂。本片獲1962年柏林電影節最佳短片金熊獎,是荷蘭影史上的一部經典。(BTW看後我感覺他不像畫家倒更像個油漆工。:)
Karel Appel was a highly controversial artist in the 1950s. That was enough reason for journalist Jan Vrijman to make a film about him. After two years' preparation, Vrijman was granted a 90,000-guilder subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Vrijman actually did have a fair amount of television experience. Vrijman did engage experienced personnel for key positions: Eddy van der Enden (camera) and Ytzen Brusse (editing). The reactions to THE REALITY OF KAREL APPEL were mostly negative, making Vrijman's feelings of joy even greater when the film was awarded the Golden Bear at the Berlinale of 1962.


