The Optimist(2010年Canongate Books出版的圖書)

The Optimist(2010年Canongate Books出版的圖書)

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《The Optimist》是Canongate Books出版的圖書,作者是Shorter, Laurence


  • ISBN:9781847671288
  • 作者:Shorter, Laurence
  • 出版社:Canongate Books
  • 出版時間:2010年1月
  • 頁數:320
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Collapsing stock markets, melting ice caps, floods, tornadoes, terrorism . . . When it comes to bad news, we've never had it so good. Perhaps it is time to be a little more optimistic? That's what Laurence Shorter decided. And that's why he set himself the challenge of meeting the world's most cheerful people. Surely with the help of Desmond Tutu, Richard Branson and Bill Clint...(展開全部) Collapsing stock markets, melting ice caps, floods, tornadoes, terrorism . . . When it comes to bad news, we've never had it so good. Perhaps it is time to be a little more optimistic? That's what Laurence Shorter decided. And that's why he set himself the challenge of meeting the world's most cheerful people. Surely with the help of Desmond Tutu, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton, Laurence can find the secret to inner happiness. But first things first - how on Earth is he going to get to meet them? 勞倫斯‧薛爾特 (Laurence Shorter) 曾在商業界工作十年,於2001年轉行寫作及喜劇創作。於此同時,他也開始在愛丁堡國際藝術節表演獨角戲、為BBC、第四頻道、獨立報、觀察家報和opendemocracy.net撰稿,同時在倫敦多處著名酒館擔任喜劇舞者。開始專注於療法及心靈發展主題之後,越來越多文化評論家開始認真看待他,包括他的父親、他父親的女友,以及他們腦部受損的貓。勞倫斯生於紐約,在愛丁堡長大。目前居住在倫敦南區,但最近有人看見他嘗試騎小型自行車逃離該地。


