The Lighter Side of China

The Lighter Side of China

此書是奧美公關公司亞太區總裁Scott Kronick所作。書中用風趣幽默的語言講述了自己在中國及北亞工作生活的二十多年經歷。


  • 中文名:The Lighter Side of China
  • 別名:中國記趣
  • 作者:Scott Kronick
  • ISBN:978-0-9927625-0-6
  • 類別:短片中國文化故事
  • 頁數:108
  • 定價:4.5英鎊
  • 出版社:ACA Publishing Limited
  • 出版時間:2014年2月
  • 裝幀:平裝


此書是奧美亞太區總裁Scott Kronick基於自己在華二十多年的工作生活經歷所作,由英國查思出版社出版。全書以幽默風趣的語言,述說了他在中國的所見所聞。全書包括“Holiday Traditions”、 “Lost in Translation”、“Marital Advice for Mixed Marriages”、“Feng Shui”蒸拳、“Explaining China” 、“Brands and Their Copies”等25個章節展現了在中國這樣一個從不讓人感到乏味的國度里一個外國人可能擁有的瘋狂經歷。


柯穎德(Scott Kronick)在北京生活已近20年。此前,騙廈乘駝他曾在台北工作過4年。現任奧美公共關係亞太區總裁,常駐北京。奧美公關亞太區共有23個辦公室,是亞洲地區公關業界翹楚。柯穎德於1995年來華,開創奧美公關在華業務。如今它已居亞洲最大、最具影響力的公關公司之列。2008年北京奧運會後, 他在亞太公關大賽中獲年度公關公司負責人(PR Agency Head of the Year)獎。2012年,他又獲全球公關行業具影響力的《霍姆斯報告》(Holmes Report)所授SABRE個人成就獎,並還因其為中國公關事業發展所作貢獻獲頒2010年中國國際公關協會終身成就獎


Jaime FlorCruz, longtimeChinawatcher and correspondent said, "Kudos toBeijingold-timerScott Kronickfor his personal chronicle of living in China. It's instructive and comic, often at his expense. It's at times sardonic and at times moving, but always genuine."
James McGregor, author ofOne Billion Customersadded, "Scott Kronickis a keen observer and insightful adventurer who through two decades inChinahas never lost the sense of humor and sunny soul he arrived with. With this collection of personal stories Scott grabs your hand and takes you for an intimate and affectionate stroll across the foreigner-living-in-Chinalandscape. This book will put a smile on your face and bring comfort to your heart."
"Of all the business, political and travel books that have been written onChina, few have explained the nuances of everyday life. That is what I have tried to do in a fun and entertaining format," commented Kronick.
"The Lighter Side ofChina" appeals to not only those that have spent time inChinaand that will recognize many of the funny situations from their own experiences but alsoChinawatchers, students, and professionals working at the intersection of culture and business inChinaand elsewhere. The vivid descriptions of life in the country also mean that travelers will find the book both entertaining and informative.
長期的中國觀察家、記者Jaime FlorCruz說:「向『老北京』柯穎德的中國生活記錄致敬。它既有啟發性,又很有趣,經常自嘲。時而犀利,時而動人,但始終真誠。」
《十億消費者》的作者James McGregor補充道:「柯穎德是一個敏銳的觀察者和富有洞察力的探險者,來到中國後的20年裡,幽默感和陽光的心始終伴隨著他。他用這樣一本私人故事合集牽起你的手,帶你走上一段親密的、充滿深情的外國人的中國旅程。這本書會讓你的臉上露出微笑,給你的心帶來安慰。」
《The Lighter Side of China》一書不僅面向在中國生活過和即將親身體驗種種趣事的外國人,同時也將吸引中國觀察家、學生以及中外文化和商業交叉領域的專業人士。對中國生活栩栩如生的描繪同時也讓旅行者們覺得此書兼具趣味性和實用性。
"Of all the business, political and travel books that have been written onChina, few have explained the nuances of everyday life. That is what I have tried to do in a fun and entertaining format," commented Kronick.
"The Lighter Side ofChina" appeals to not only those that have spent time inChinaand that will recognize many of the funny situations from their own experiences but alsoChinawatchers, students, and professionals working at the intersection of culture and business inChinaand elsewhere. The vivid descriptions of life in the country also mean that travelers will find the book both entertaining and informative.
長期的中國觀察家、記者Jaime FlorCruz說:「向『老北京』柯穎德的中國生活記錄致敬。它既有啟發性,又很有趣,經常自嘲。時而犀利,時而動人,但始終真誠。」
《十億消費者》的作者James McGregor補充道:「柯穎德是一個敏銳的觀察者和富有洞察力的探險者,來到中國後的20年裡,幽默感和陽光的心始終伴隨著他。他用這樣一本私人故事合集牽起你的手,帶你走上一段親密的、充滿深情的外國人的中國旅程。這本書會讓你的臉上露出微笑,給你的心帶來安慰。」
《The Lighter Side of China》一書不僅面向在中國生活過和即將親身體驗種種趣事的外國人,同時也將吸引中國觀察家、學生以及中外文化和商業交叉領域的專業人士。對中國生活栩栩如生的描繪同時也讓旅行者們覺得此書兼具趣味性和實用性。

