《The Language Instinct》是Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版的圖書,作者是Steven Pinker
- ISBN:9780061336461
- 作者:Steven Pinker
- 出版社:Harper Perennial Modern Classics
- 出版時間:2007年9月4日
- 頁數:576
- 定價:USD 17.99
- 裝幀:Paperback
《The Language Instinct》是Harper Perennial Modern Classics出版的圖書,作者是Steven Pinker
hard-wired ...(展開全部) Here is an exhilarating intellectual performance, in the tradition of Roger Penrose's The Emperor's New Mind and Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct. On the way to showing how the world...
入選美國國家科學院院士。平克恣意的才華、引人入勝的文筆和很具說服力的論證方式,讓他的主要著述都成為全球暢銷書和經典讀物,其中《語言本能》(The Language Instinct)和《心智探奇》(How the Mind Works)都曾入圍普利茲獎。
of the great achievements of civilization,this volume would have to be in it.” ——Steven Pinker,Professor of Psychology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology;and author of How the Mind Works and The Language Instinct....
他是《美國傳統英語詞典》(American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)用法小組主席,也是《語言本能》(The Language Instinct)、《詞與規則》(Words and Rules)和《思維素材》(The Stuff of Thought)等書備受讚譽的作者...