The Koran

The Koran

《The Koran》是Penguin Classics出版的圖書,作者是Anonymous,N. J. Dawood


  • ISBN:9780140445428
  • 作者:Anonymous、N. J. Dawood
  • 出版社:Penguin Classics
  • 出版時間:2000年7月1日
  • 頁數:640
  • 定價:USD 25.00
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 叢書:Penguin Classics
The Koran is universally accepted by Muslims to be the infallible Word of God as first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel nearly fourteen hundred years ago. Its 114 chapters, or surahs, recount the narratives central to Muslim belief, and together they form one of the world's most influential prophetic works and a literary masterpiece in its own right. But, a...(展開全部) The Koran is universally accepted by Muslims to be the infallible Word of God as first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel nearly fourteen hundred years ago. Its 114 chapters, or surahs, recount the narratives central to Muslim belief, and together they form one of the world's most influential prophetic works and a literary masterpiece in its own right. But, above all, the Koran provides the rules of conduct that remain fundamental to the Muslim faith today: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, pilgrimage to Mecca and absolute faith in God and His apostle. 馬堅,伊斯蘭教學者。字子實,1906年生,雲南箇舊人,回族。早年就讀於上海伊斯蘭師範學校。1931年被選送埃及愛資哈爾等校學習。此間著文《中國回教概觀》,譯《論語》為阿拉伯語。回國後主要從事《古蘭經》及阿拉伯文著的翻譯工作。1945年後,先後任雲南大學、北京大學東方語言系教授。1949年9月出席中國人民政治協商會議,是第一、二、三、四、五屆全人民代表大會代表。歷任中國伊斯蘭教協會常務委員,中國亞非學會理事。譯著較多,出版的有《回教哲學》、《回教真相》、《伊斯蘭哲學史》等。1978年逝世。


