The Jetsons Christmas Carol

《The Jetsons Christmas Carol》是由George O'Hanlon、Penny Singleton、Daws Butler主演的電影。


  • 外文名:The Jetsons Christmas Carol
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 主演:George O'Hanlon、Penny Singleton、Daws Butler
  • 上映時間:1985年


What do Santa Claus and George Jetson have in common? They both have to work on Christmas eve! That mean old Mr. Spacely forces George to work late, while the family wonders what has happened to him, while Astro opens one of his presents early, breaks it, accidentally swallows a piece of it (a Spacely Sprockett) and becomes very ill. It seems the Jetsons may lose their Tiny Tim-like dog. Plus, Mr. Spacely is visited by his old partner, Jacob Marsley, who tells him of three spirits that will visit him. And they do, first the Past ghost robot who shows him young Spacely picking on young George, Present (which is an Xmas present) shows him of dying Astro, and Future shows the Jetsons very rich after sueing Mr. Spacely. When Spacely wakes up after seeing all this, he's a changed man! A sadder, wiser, nicer and happier Cosmo Spacely! At least until the next episode.
聖誕老人和喬治·傑森有什麼共同點?他們都得在平安夜工作!這意味著老斯派斯利先生強迫喬治工作到很晚,而他的家人卻在想他發生了什麼事,而阿斯托早早地打開了他的一件禮物,把它弄壞了,不小心吞下了一塊(一個斯派斯利的鏈輪),病得很厲害。看來傑森一家可能會失去他們像蒂姆一樣的小狗。此外,斯派斯利的老搭檔雅各布·馬斯利(Jacob Marsley)也來拜訪他,他告訴斯派斯利將有三個幽靈來拜訪他。他們做到了,首先是過去的幽靈機器人,他向年輕的喬治展示了年輕的斯派斯利,現在(這是聖誕節的禮物)向他展示了垂死的阿童木,而未來則展示了傑森一家在起訴斯派斯利先生後非常富有。當Spacely看到這一切醒來時,他變了!一個更悲傷、更聰明、更美好、更快樂的宇宙!至少在下一集之前。


George Jetson (voice)George O'Hanlon
Jane Jetson (voice)Penny Singleton
Elroy Jetson (voice)Daws Butler

