《The House That Zombies Built》是傑森·賴特執導的電影,由道娜莉海辛 / 安珀·多伊索恩 / 洛伊德·考夫曼 / 布琳克·史蒂文斯等主演。
- 外文名:The House That Zombies Built
- 導演: 傑森·賴特
- 主演:道娜莉海辛
《The House That Zombies Built》是傑森·賴特執導的電影,由道娜莉海辛 / 安珀·多伊索恩 / 洛伊德·考夫曼 / 布琳克·史蒂文斯等主演。
5The zombies' only advantage are numbers, and that only makes your Flamesgiving Day bonfire that much brighter!殭屍唯一的優勢是數量,那只會讓你的火焰日篝火更明亮!6Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies.一出來,我和...
Beefy Zombies 強壯的殭屍 Cheesy Beefy Melt 塔可鐘 雙語例句 That basketball player is so beefy! 那個籃球運動員很強壯!He once had a beefy body that others begrudged. 他曾經擁有健壯的讓別人妒忌的體魄。You expect a big, beefy man to have a deep, deep voice. 你以為一個個子高大、非常粗壯的人...