《The Elixir of Love》是一本圖書,作者是Alfred Publishing
- 外文名:The Elixir of Love
- 作者:Alfred Publishing
- 出版時間:1985年3月
- 頁數:240 頁
- ISBN:9780769296401
- 定價:37.23 美元
《The Elixir of Love》是一本圖書,作者是Alfred Publishing
《The Elixir of Life, and the Exiles》是一本圖書,作者是Balzac, Honore de 內容簡介 By the French author, who, along with Flaubert, is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comidie ...
《The Elixir of Immortality》是一本圖書,作者是Gleichmann, Gabi 內容簡介 A mesmerizing debut novel that spans a thousand years of European and Jewish history seen through the beguiling members of the Spinoza family Since the eleventh century, the Spinoza family has passed down, from father to...
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Roman: Saved from the black death by Damen along with 5 other Orphans he succumbed to jealously in an attempt to win Drina's heart. Frustrated when Damen refused to allow him and the orphans more of the elixir he re-created it and lead a group of Rogue Immortals. Upon hearing Drina was...
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A Modern Apostle; The Elixir of Life the Story of Clarice and Other Poems 《A Modern Apostle; The Elixir of Life the Story of Clarice and Other Poems》是一本圖書,作者是Naden, Constance
《Auriol, or The Elixir of Life》是一本圖書,作者是Ainsworth, William Harrision 內容簡介 Flashes of light passed before Auriol's eyes, and strange noises smote his ears. The furnace breathed forth flames and mephitic vapors; the spiral worm of the alembic became red hot, and seemed filled ...
A Modern Apostle; The Elixir of Life; The Story of Clarice, and Other Poems 《A Modern Apostle; The Elixir of Life; The Story of Clarice, and Other Poems》是一本圖書,作者是Naden, C. W.
The Lady Who Came to Stay & The Elixir of Life 《The Lady Who Came to Stay & The Elixir of Life》是一本圖書,作者是Spencer, R. E.; Ransome, Arthur;
Auriol or The Elixir of Life and A Night In Rome 《Auriol or The Elixir of Life and A Night In Rome》是一本圖書,作者是Ainsworth, William Harrison
The Elixir of Life 《The Elixir of Life》是由Allen Curtis執導的電影,由Harry Wulze擔任編劇,Billy Franey、Gale Henry等主演。職員表 演員表
Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life 《Auriol; or, The Elixir of Life》是一本圖書,作者是Ainsworth, William Harrison
Elixir of Love (1946) [攝影]L'avventura di Annabella (1943) [攝影]Sant'Elena, piccola isola (1943) [攝影]人物評價 Mario Bava拍攝的題材有殘忍兇殺懸疑重重的Giallo,也有取自明間傳說的鬼怪,還有涉及名著故事中的哥特電影。但無論是哪種風格哪種題材,Bava處理起來都得心應手,甚至影響到了很多後起之...
... akaElixir of Love (USA)... akaThis Wine of Love (USA)■ Lucia di Lammermoor (uncredited)獲獎記錄 人物評價 現年91歲的吉娜·勞洛勃麗吉達曾是義大利最著名的女星之一,上世紀五六十年代,她曾被人譽為“全世界最漂亮的女人”、“20世紀的蒙娜麗莎”。個人軼聞 退後不甘寂寞 上世紀50年代到60年代是...
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