Set in Brooklyn, 1948, The Casket is a short that follows the Estinto family through the hours before the wake of their family patriarch. Problems first arise when a family friend gets drunk during the embalming process, leaving the body unsuitable for viewing by family members. The religious and cultural traditions of this Italian Catholic wake are brought to an abrupt halt when Johnny Estinto, the family's eldest son, arrives home. In a harsh display of honesty, he triggers an unveiling of secrets that no one in the Estinto family has ever talked about. As tempers flair and truths are uncovered, the family is forced to come to terms with a horrific past and a decision that could change the future.
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
Michael Estinto Jr. | Brett DelBuono | |
Mama Estinto | Frederica DiPalma | |
Johnny Estinto | Stephen Hludzik | |
Maria Estinto | Dawn Moeller | |
Mario Estinto | John Sebastian Rinaldo | |
導演 | 編劇 | 攝影 | 剪輯 |
Doug Lloyd、John Sebastian Rinaldo | John Sebastian Rinaldo | Doug Lloyd | Doug Lloyd、Georgia Menides |