《The Burden of Responsibility》是University of Chicago Press出版的圖書,作者是Tony Judt
- ISBN:9780226414188
- 作者:Tony Judt
- 出版社:University of Chicago Press
- 出版時間:1998年12月1日
- 頁數:204
- 定價:USD 17.50
- 裝幀:Hardcover
《The Burden of Responsibility》是University of Chicago Press出版的圖書,作者是Tony Judt
9I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.我對責任的艱巨性感到不知所措。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》10Her father carried a heavy burden of responsibility.她父親肩負著重大責任。《牛津詞典》11She bore the ...
to whom he can pass them. Thus, the Receiver has knowledge of things that no one in the community has access to, but the Receiver also has the responsibility to shoulder the burden of sorrow and pain that the ...
computing power. Unfortunately, the scaling of application performance has not matched peak speed, and the programming burden for these machines remains heavy. The applications must be programmed to exploit parallelism in the ...
museum. Through twenty-seven chapters by an international and interdisciplinary group of academics and practitioners it explores contemporary museum ethics as an opportunity for growth, rather than a burden of compliance. The ...
著有《責任的重負》(The Burden of Responsibility,中譯本為新星出版社2007年出版)、《未完成的昔日:1944—1956年的法國知識分子》(Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956)等12部作品。圖書目錄 前言與鳴謝 導言 第一...
took over the role of the family breadwinner, which included her mother Yosene Balfour Ker. She became a successful child model, posing for advertisements and mail-order catalogs. Her work and the burden of responsibility...
also feel that it is in this very delicate and fragile space that surrounds death, the space that I sometimes have both the privilege and the burden of entering, there exists the possibility of an encounter with the ...