The Anthropologists\x27 Cook Book

The Anthropologists\x27 Cook Book

《The Anthropologists' Cook Book》是1997年出版的圖書,作者是Kuper, Jessica。


  • 外文名:The Anthropologists' Cook Book 
  • 作者:Kuper, Jessica
  • 出版時間:1997年1月
  • 頁數:248 頁 
  • ISBN:9780710305435
  • 定價:169.50 美元 
Long unavailable, now reissued and expanded by popular demand, this is a key work in the anthology of food and eating and the study of culinary culture. The contributions, by leading anthropologists, add another dimension to anthropological fieldwork studies and puts flesh on the bare bones of academic theory. Covering the culture areas of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and the West Indies, Southeast Asia, Ceylon and Japan, and the Pacific and Australia, this traces the ethnic cuisine that is so popular today back to its very roots. Entries describe the significance of food in the culture under examination, explain how the food is selected and prepared, and gives a recipe that can recreate the delicious tastes of other worlds in your own kitchen. Jessica Kuper has collected from anthropologists all over the world to create a gastronomic galaxy that no global gourmet should want to be without. More than a mere roll-call of remarkable recipes though, this book provides the reader with a feast of insights into the varied phenomena of inter-cultural cuisine, ranging from an examination of the significance of specific dishes, through general discussions concerning the preparation of food in a particular culture, to an analysis of the symbolic and structural significance of food and eating. Following in the tradition of the classic cookery books, all the contributions include a list of ingredients and give details as to how the meal is to be prepared and served. Intrepid explorers of the many culinary delights within these pages will need, in most cases, nothing more than standard kitchen equipment, a good specialist food-store and a taste for adventure in the process of creating many a memorable meal. The final article, by Claude Levi-Strauss, along with Mary Douglas's introduction, add further illuminating insights into this fascinating field which is only now beginning to receive the attention it deserves.

