The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality

The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality

《The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality》是1988年出版的圖書,作者是Aksu-Koc, Ayhan。


  • 外文名:The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality
  • 作者:Aksu-Koc, Ayhan
  • 出版時間:1988年3月
  • 出版社:Cambridge University Press 
  • ISBN:9780521331197 
Ayhan Aksu-Koc's empirical research on Turkish children's acquisition of the past tense forms the basis for this original and important contribution to the current debate among psycholinguistics on the interrelationship between language and cognitive development. Turkish, in its grammar, makes a clear distinction between direct and indirect experiencing, separating personal observation of processes from both inference and narrative. This distinction thus provides an ideal means by which linguistic and nonlinguistic conceptual development can be observed. Dr Aksu-Koc has exploited this to full advantage in her broadly based longitudinal and cross-sectional study, conducted across a wide age range. The data are meticulously analyzed, and the theoretical implications for a neo-Piagetian paradigm are carefully considered.
Ayhan Aksu Koc對土耳其兒童過去時習得的實證研究為當前心理語言學關於語言與認知發展之間相互關係的辯論奠定了基礎。土耳其語在語法上明確區分了直接體驗和間接體驗,將個人對過程的觀察與推理和敘事分開。因此,這種區別為觀察語言和非語言概念發展提供了一種理想的手段。Aksu Koc博士在其廣泛的縱向和橫斷面研究中充分利用了這一點,該研究在廣泛的年齡範圍內進行。對數據進行了細緻的分析,並仔細考慮了新皮亞蓋蒂範式的理論含義。

