《That's What I Like》的錄製在位於美國加州伯班克的Glenwood Place錄音室完成。布魯諾·馬爾斯希望該曲能讓自己以一種“特定方式”舞動,於是他與工作人員一邊舞動一邊錄製了該曲。如果布魯諾·馬爾斯的舞動節奏與歌中某一段和弦或者某一處鼓點不搭,他就會修改該部分和弦和鼓點,直到滿意為止。為了讓該作品更加完美,布魯諾·馬爾斯為該曲錄製了至少20份小樣錄音帶。

英文 | 中文翻譯 |
I got a condo in Manhattan Baby girl what's hatnin' You and your ass invited So gon' and get to clappin' So pop it for a pimp Pop pop it for me Turn around and drop it for a pimp Drop drop it for me I'll rent a beach house in Miami Wake up with no jammies Lobster tail for dinner Julio serve that scampi You got it if you want it Got got it if you want it Said you got it if you want it Take my wallet if you want it now Jump in the Cadillac girl let's put some miles on it Anything you want just to put a smile on it You deserve it baby you deserve it all And I'm gonna give it to you Gold jewelry shining so bright Strawberry champagne on ice Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Sex by the fire at night Silk sheets and diamonds all white Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like I'm talkin' trips to Puerto Rico Say the word and we go You can be my freaka Girl I'll be a fleeko mamacita I will never make a promise that I can't keep I promise that you'll smile and gon' never leave Shopping sprees in Paris Everything 24 karat Take a look in that mirror Now tell me who's the fairest Is it you is it you is it me is it me Say it's us say it's us and I'll agree baby Jump in the Cadillac girl let's put some miles on it Anything you want just to put a smile on it You deserve it baby you deserve it all And I'm gonna give it to you Gold jewelry shining so bright Strawberry champagne on ice Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Sex by the fire at night Silk sheets and diamonds all white Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like If you say you want a good time Well here I am baby here I am baby Talk to me talk to me talk to me Tell me what's on your mind If you want it girl come and get it All this is here for you Tell me baby tell me tell me baby What you tryna do Gold jewelry shining so bright Strawberry champagne on ice Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Sex by the fire at night Silk sheets and diamonds all white Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like Lucky for you that's what I like that's what I like | 我在曼哈頓買了座公寓 親愛的 你要來嗎 來的話我無比歡迎 跟著人群鼓掌 看是誰帥得這么騷氣 是我無疑 快轉過身來鼓掌歡迎 為我的到來致意 我租下邁阿密的沙灘豪宅 睡覺不穿睡衣也愜意自在 各種高檔海鮮就是我的晚餐 朱利奧為我剝蝦伺候我吃飯 如果你想要就來我這裡 如果你想要這種生活我都能給你 想要就來我這裡 只要你想 拿走我的錢包 花多少都隨意 跳進我的凱迪拉克里 走吧 我帶你兜風去 只要你微微一笑 你要什麼都隨你 你值得擁有 也值得我這樣為你 你要的我也都會給你 黃金珠寶 在眼前閃耀不停 還有冰鎮的草莓香檳 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你就是我愛的全部意義 在爐火旁愛愛不停 絲質床單 鑽石鋪滿 雪白浪漫的意境 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你是我愛的全部意義 去波多黎各自由旅行 說定了就馬上起行 玩玩角色扮演的遊戲 你開心 我隨意 做不到的承諾我絕不輕許 我答應你只要能看到你的微笑我絕不離棄 在巴黎瘋狂購物 每一樣都是24K金般的正品 看看鏡子裡的我和你 看看誰更正 誰更美 是我 還是你? 要是你說都美 我也同意 跳進我的凱迪拉克里 走吧 我帶你兜風去 只要你微微一笑 你要什麼都隨你 你值得擁有 也值得我這樣為你 你要的我也都會給你 黃金珠寶 在眼前閃耀不停 還有冰鎮的草莓香檳 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你就是我愛的全部意義 在爐火旁愛愛不停 絲質床單 鑽石鋪滿 雪白浪漫的意境 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你就是我愛的全部意義 如果你說你想要高興高興 我就在這裡 隨時為你待命 就和我一起 說說話也可以 說你心裡藏著的秘密 你想要什麼 我都給你 這裡的一切都是為你 告訴我吧親愛的 告訴我 還有什麼藏在你心裡 黃金珠寶 在眼前閃耀不停 還有冰鎮的草莓香檳 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你就是我愛的全部意義 在爐火旁愛愛不停 絲質床單 鑽石鋪滿 雪白浪漫的意境 你該覺得幸運 你是我愛的你 我也該覺得幸運 你就是我愛的全部意義 |