Textile Design
作 者/Author:Simon Clarke 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Laurence King
出版時間/Publication Date:2011-02-14
頁 數/Pages:224
裝 幀/Format:平裝
圖書 > 英文原版書 > Arts & Photography(藝術與攝影)
圖書 > 英文原版書 > Nonfiction(非虛構類)
定 價:¥274.60
Textile design has a very exciting future. New fibres, fabrics and applications are constantly appearing and designers now have a wealth of avenues to explore. In this book, Simon Clarke offers students a basic grounding in the three main pathways of textile design printed, woven and mixed media textile design, including embroidered and manipulated materials discussing both traditional and contemporary developments in design and production. Using a wealth of imagery and case studies from designers and studios at work today, the book also looks at the basic principles of design and the stages of creating a textile collection, giving students all the tools they need to develop their own work. Finally, the role of the textile designer is explored in a selection of market sectors giving students an insight into the industry and possible career paths they may wish to follow. Designed for students both at degree and foundation level, the book will also appeal to those wishing to enter a career in textile design.
Dr Simon Clarke is a practicing textile designer and artist specialising in digital design who has exhibited his work internationally. He is a Senior Lecturer in Printed Textile Design on the BA (Hons) Textile Design course at University College Falmouth where he is also Pathway Leader for the MA in Textile Design. He has lectured overseas at such institutes as Kenyatta University in Kenya and Savannah College of Art and Design in the USA. Dr Clarke is also a leading authority on African Textiles and on the interchange between architecture and textiles.