


英 ['telɪ] 美 ['tɛli]

n. 電視(等於television)

n. (Tele)人名;(芬)泰萊


  • 中文名:泰萊
  • 外文名:Tele
  • 拼音:tai lai
  • 類別:英語單詞


  • 英['telɪ]美['tɛli]n. 電視(等於television)n. (Tele)人名;(芬)泰萊
tele-是遠的意思 far off
telephone:tele-(far off)+ phone(sound)從遠處傳來的聲音 即打電話
telescope:tele-(far off)+ scope(to look)看遠處的東西 即望遠鏡
television:tele-(far off)+ vision(映像)遠處物體的映像 即電視機


...:不支持糾錯鏡頭參數 鏡頭類型:伸縮式糾錯對焦方式:自動對焦糾錯普通對焦範圍:10cm- 無窮遠 (Wide),60cm- 無窮遠Tele )糾錯光圈範圍:F=2.4(W)-6.1(T)糾錯光學變焦:5倍糾錯數碼變焦:5倍糾錯焦距(相當於35mm):27.6-138糾錯廣角:28糾錯曝光控...
產品描述:定焦/變焦:變焦最短焦距(Wide):16 最長焦距 ( Tele ):80最近對焦距離:0.35m濾鏡直徑:62mm重量:440g體積:83x72mm本店經營香港行貨及水貨貨品貨品之多,未能詳細盡列如有興趣可聯絡店...
賓士汽車英文-寶馬賓士英文對照表 ... eifi電子式管路噴射系統 tele伸縮管 gus安全帶張力器 ...
Bharti Tele 巴帝電信
Tele men 數字遊戲
tele camera 有線攝像機
China Tele 中國電信
British Tele 英國電信 ; 英國電信公司
Tele Obs 影視觀察
Tele text 可視圖文
Tele Atlas 特拉斯公司
tele notes 電話本




  • n.1.[英國口語、俚語] =television [亦作 telly]2.心靈親合tele['teli]
  • adj.=telephotographic
  • abbr.=television


  • n.電視(等於television)video/telly/small screen/telvision


  • You might think of this new medium as books we watch, or tele­vision we read.你可以將這種全新的媒體想像成自己所看的書,也可以將它們想像成電視。
  • "It’s an industrial accident and not a nuclear accident, " Industry Minister Eric Besson said on i-Tele television.“這只是個工業事故並不是個核事故,”工業部長埃里克貝鬆通過遠程電視發言。
  • The different ways men 'sit on their rock' include reading a newspaper or magazine, playing squash, fishing, tennis, golf, fixing something or watching tele- vision.男人“坐在他們石頭上”的方式各不相同,有的看報紙或雜誌、有的打壁球或釣魚、有的打打網球或高爾夫、有的修東西或看電視。
  • A visit to any college community since 1999 shows the future of tele-communications.自從1999年可以訪問任何學院的社區就現實了遠程通信的未來前景。
  • A novice user running through a tutorial can get a simple tele-operated robot going in around ten minutes - either in a simulated environment, or the real world.無論是在模擬環境還是在真實環境中,初學者通過學習一個教程只要大約10分鐘就可以製作出一個簡單的可遠程操作的機器人。
  • Tele Atlas eventually agreed to the term modifications, but perhaps they should have sensed something bigger at play.TeleAtlas 爽快的答應的更改的條款,可是他們也許都感覺到了更大的動靜還在後面。
  • The word "television", derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (visio: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance.“電視”這個詞來源於希臘語詞根(tele:遠)和拉丁語詞根(vision:景象),可以從字面上理解為來自遠處的景象。
  • Tele Atlas, a Dutch mapping outfit, was recently bought by TomTom for $4.3 billion.德國地圖設備商TeleAtlas近期被TomTom以43億美元收購。
  • Finally, for obvious reasons (see item 1 here), this list does not include any tele-evangelist “faith healers”.最後,出於顯而易見的原因(見這裡第一項),此份清單不包括任何遠程傳道“信仰療法”。
  • As such, they informed Tele Atlas and NavTeq that they wanted to modify their license terms to allow more liberty with respect to syndication and proliferation.如此,它們告知這兩家公司它們希望修改他們之間的許可條款以獲得在聯合與增值方面爭取更多的自由。
  • There was the tele-programmes section with its engineers, its producers, and its teams of actors specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices.有個電視節目處,配備了工程師,製片人,和一批特殊選定的演員, 專門擅長模仿旁人的聲音。
  • "Tele-presence" robots are controlled remotely by an English teacher and are equipped with a microphone and video camera.這些“遠距”機器人由一名英文老師遠程遙控,配備有麥克風和攝像機。
  • But the Net has brutalized old-line business across most industries-retail, tele-com, financial services and the technology industry itself, is, ironically, no exception.網路還使各種行業的老式公司面臨殘酷競爭--零售、電信、金融以及科技產業本身都不能倖免。
  • Of course, now that you know and are conscious of these facts it will be harder for tele-marketers and salesmen to use this tip or The Law of Reciprocity to their advantage.當然,現在你已經知道並且意識到這些事實,這對那些電話推銷員以及上門推銷員來說就不是什麼好訊息。因為他們要利用這個伎倆或者互惠原則來達到他們的目的就困難得多了。
  • We have also opened the international operator direct dialing services, No. 800, No. 200, electronic mail, tele-conferencing, international mobile phone service and high speed data lines.國際直撥話務員受付電話、800號、200號、電子信箱、電視會議、國際行動電話漫遊和高速數據專線等業務相繼開辦並迅速發展。
  • The business center of the hotel features a variety of services including facsimile, photo copying, multi lingual word-typing and translation, post and tele-communication and ticket booking.賓館的商務中心提供圖文傳真,複印,多語種打字及翻譯,郵電,票房等服務。
  • A photo released by a 1981 expedition of the monster floating in Congo's Lake Tele has been largely discredited.如今關於剛果恐龍的證據,僅僅只有一張毫無說服力的1981年發布的照片,照片是一個怪物漂浮在剛果河支流泰萊河上。
  • This article introduces some work experience in the construction, management and application of the Modern Tele Education Project in Yueyang Tower district. Yueyang.介紹了岳陽市岳陽樓區在現代遠程教育工程建設、管理與套用方面的一些工作經驗。
  • The company plans to launch the Tele Scouter in Japan in November next year, although initially without the translation mode.該公司計畫於明年十一月將TeleScouter投放市場,不過最初的產品將不具備翻譯功能。
  • Methods The remote monitoring of multiple physiological parameters was implemented with parameter detecting techniques and tele transmission function of handhold personal computer (HPC).方法結合生理參數檢測技術和掌上微型電腦遠程傳輸實現多生理參數的遠程監護。
  • Shaped like a pair of eye-glasses, but without the lenses, the computer-assisted Tele Scouter would use an imaging device to project almost real-time translations directly onto the user's retina .這款需在計算機的輔助下工作的“TeleScouter”外形像一幅眼鏡,但沒有鏡片,需使用一種成像設備,將幾乎是實時翻譯 出來的文字投射到使用者的視網膜(顯示屏)上。
  • Baptist Hospital and George Town Hospital are linked by a tele-radiology system.浸會醫院和喬治城醫院之間由遠程放射醫療系統連線。
  • He came to China in 2001 after leaving his tele marketing job following the Sep 11 attacks.在911襲擊後,他離開電信公司的市場行銷工作,於2001年來到中國。
  • He came to China in 2001 after leaving his tele marketing job following the Sep 11 attacks.在911襲擊後,他離開電信公司的市場行銷工作,於2001年來到中國。


