Talking Sailor

《Talking Sailor》是Ranblin' Jack Elliott演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Cigarettes and Coffee》專輯中。


  • 外文名:Talking Sailor
  • 所屬專輯:Cigarettes and Coffee
  • 歌曲原唱:Ranblin' Jack Elliott
  • 發行日期:2020年01月03日
Bed with my woman just a singing the blues
And i heard the radio a telling the news
Said the big red army took a hundred towns
And the allies dropping them two ton bombs
I started hollering yelling
Dancing up and down like a bullfrog
Doorbell rung in come a man
I signed my name i got a telegram
Says if you want to take a vacation trip
Got a dish washing job on a liberty ship
Woman a crying me a flying
Out the door and down the line
'Bout two minutes i run ten blocks
I come to my ship down at the docks
Walked up the plank and i signed my name
Blowed the whistle and was gone again
Right on out and down the stream
Ships as far as my eye could see
Pulling away
Ship loaded down with tnt
All out across the rolling sea
I stood on the deck and watched the fishes swim
I was a-praying them fishes wasn't made of tin
Sharks porpoises
Jelly beans rainbow trouts
Mud-cats jew-gars
All over that water
This convoy's the biggest i ever did see
It stretches all the way out across the sea
The ships blow their whistles and ring their bells
Gonna blow them fascists all to hell
Win some freedom liberty stuff like that
Walked to the tail stood on the stern
Looking at the big brass screw blade turn
Listened to the sound of the engines pond
Came sixteen feet every time it went round
Gets closer and closer look out you fascists
I'm just one of the merchant crew
I belong to the union called the nmu
I'm a union man from head to toe
I'm u-s-a and c-i-o
Fighting out here on the waters
Win some freedom on the land


