

Sugarcult,又稱糖果崇拜、糖果邪教,是一支來自美國加利福尼亞州的朋克樂隊,1998年組建,風格pop punk/power pop/rock和大多流行朋克那樣,歌曲充滿青春活力,且不乏硬核的勁暴的旋律,還能找到SCHOOL-PUNK的曲風,非常有美國流行PUNK充滿活力的FEEL。


  • 中文名:糖果崇拜 
  • 外文名:sugarcult
  • 組建時間 :1998 年
  • 風格:pop punk/power pop/rock


主唱,吉他手,詞曲作者: Tim Pagnotta
貝斯,合唱: Airin Older
吉他手: Marko DeSantis(also knows as Marko 72)
鼓手: Kenny Livingston
前鼓手: Ben Davis(2003年離隊)


主唱Tim和鼓手Ben(當時彈貝斯)在學校結識,之後認識現任貝斯手Airin,他們三人成了好朋友,Tim邀請Airin加入他們的樂團,Ben擔任鼓手,Airin彈貝斯。之後Tim在演唱會後台遇到Marko,緣分所至,當時兩人身上穿的衣服很相像,Tim邀他加入樂隊擔任吉他手。後來Ben因為酗酒離開了樂隊, Kenny Livingston(樂隊Lefty的前鼓手)代替了Ben. 關於樂隊名稱Sugarcult,是來源於主唱Tim家附近的女同性戀.他稱這些鄰居為”Sugar Cult girls”.


Sugarcult於1997年發行他們的首張專輯《Eleven》,並於1999年再版.第二張專輯《Wrap Me Up in Plastic》發行於2000年,此專輯中一些名作仍被收錄於第三張專輯「Start Static」當中並於2002年5月又再度發行. 此前Sugarcult於2001年由Rumbo唱片發行了他們的第三張專輯《Start Static》,這是鼓手Ben 離團前的最後一張作品.2004年4月13日,大碟《Palm Trees and Power Lines》發行, 首周就賣出了2萬2千張,在Billboard上也有46位的成績.《Back to the Disaster》是Sugarcult於2005年發行的live CD/VCD.《Lights Out》—他們的最新專輯,於2006年9月12日由V2唱片發行,發行後樂隊開始了秋季和冬季巡演.


Track listing
1. "Debbie"
2. "We Come Crashing Down"
3. "Make Up (Pretty Waste)"
4. "I Changed My Name"
5. "Yesterday (Insane)"
6. "Underwear"
7. "Super Hyperspastic"
8. "Beautiful Stalker"
9. "Christine"
10. "Cyndi Lauper"
11. "Anna's Touch
《Wrap Me Up in Plastic》
Track listing (Original2000)
1. "Say I'm Sorry"
2. "Pretty Girl"
3. "Saying Goodbye"
4. "How Does It Feel"
5. "Bruises"
6. "I'm Alright"
7. "First Band"
8. "You're the One"
9. "No Action"
10. "Killing Me"
11. "Over Now"
12. "Drive All Day"
13. "Bouncing Off The Walls"
《Track listing》(2002)
1. "Over Now"
2. "Say I'm Sorry"
3. "Drive All Day"
4. "Bruises"
5. "Killing Me"
6. "I'm Alright"
7. "First Band On The Moon"
8. "Make Up"
9. "SuperHyperSpastic"
10. "Beautiful Stalker"
11. "Yesterday"
12. "Anna's Touch"
13. "Christine"
《Start Static》
Track listing
1. "You're The One"
2. "Stuck In America"
3. "Hate Every Beautiful Day"
4. "Bouncing Off The Walls"
5. "Saying Goodbye"
6. "Daddy's Little Defect"
7. "Lost In You"
8. "Pretty Girl (The Way)"
9. "Crashing Down"
10. "How Does It Feel"
11. "I Changed My Name"
12. "Underwear" (Hidden Track)
《 Palm Trees and Power Lines》
Track listing
1. "She's The Blade"
2. "Crying"
3. "Memory"
4. "Worst December"
5. "Back To California"
6. "Destination Anywhere"
7. "Champagne" (written by Ben Davis, the former drummer)
8. "What You Say"
9. "Over"
10. "Head Up"
11. "Counting Stars"
12. "Sign Off"
13. "Blackout" (bonus track)
A Hard Day's Night (Japan-only EP)
1. "A Hard Day's Night"
2. "Memory" (Acoustic)
3. "Stuck In America" (Live)
4. "Champagne" (Live)
Back to the Disaster(live CD/DVD)
Track listing
1. "Stuck In America" (from Start Static)
2. "She's the Blade" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
3. "Crying" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
4. "Memory" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
5. "Champagne" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
6. "You're the One" (from Start Static)
7. "What You Say" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
8. "Pretty Girl" (from Start Static)
9. "Worst December" (from Palm Trees and Power Lines)
《Lights Out》
Track listing
1. "Lights Out"
2. "Dead Living"
3. "Los Angeles"
4. "Do It Alone"
5. "Explode"
6. "Out Of Phase"
7. "Made A Mistake"
8. "Riot"
9. "Majoring In Minors"
10. "Shaking"
11. "The Investigation"
12. "Hiatus"
13. "Freezing" (Japanese bonus track)
14. "A Hard Day's Night" (Japanese bonus track)

