Straight Outta Compton,中譯衝出康普頓,是N.W.A發行的首張正式專輯,以Eazy-E的廠牌Ruthless的名義發行,專輯由Dr.Dre和DJ Yella製作。這張專輯堪稱Gangsta Rap史上的創舉。它的充斥著暴力和髒話歌曲為日後西海岸嘻哈(Westcoast Hip Hop)的發展打下了堅實的基礎。Straight Outta Compton對Hip-Hop的重定向和對匪幫說唱(Gangsta Rap)的貢獻在二十世紀八十年代是出類拔萃的。2002年,專輯重新再版發行,添加了四首重量級歌曲。2007年,又發行了一張增長般的專輯。同時專輯在滾石評選的史上最佳500專輯中,獲得了第117名。
外文名稱:Straight Outta Compton
製作人:Dr. Dre,DJ Yella
Straight Outta Compton這張專輯達到了雙白金的銷量,成為歷史上第一張未經任何宣傳與電台點播而達到這個數目的專輯。由於受到了嘻哈世界的廣泛認可和Ice Cube對歌詞的推廣。N.W.A的成員很快就成為了匪幫說唱(Gangsta Rap)新時代的頂尖人物。同時,他們也孕育了一大批來自康普頓(Compton,California)和南洛杉機的說唱新星——因為他們有著和N.W.A一樣的故事和說唱生涯軌跡。同樣的原因,另一隻組合Comton's Most Wanted也成立了。由於歌曲中經常出現暴力,色情,充斥著髒話的歌詞,並且針對了一些政府部門,例如洛杉磯警察局(LAPD),N.W.A一直都受到美國聯邦調查局(FBI)和美國參議院(United States Senate)的重點關注。這種多年的堅持很大程度上是因為N.W.A的領頭人Eazy-E。一個很明顯的例子,便是歌曲Fuck tha Police,這首帶來了高度爭議的歌曲令聯邦調查局和參議院大為惱火,甚至寫了一封信來通知Ruthless廠牌,表達了他們的憤怒。N.W.A還被禁止在一些地方演出。但是這封信反而讓N.W.A獲得了更大的名聲,並且奠定了團體之後的成功。在此之後的單曲"100 Miles and Runnin'"的MV便是N.W.A的成員逃脫警察的追捕,Dr.Dre在歌曲中這樣回應聯邦調查局:“現在聯邦調查局已經被我的雞巴打倒!”(and now the FBI is all over my dick!)Straight Outta Compton封面
許多評論家都認為N.W.A的歌詞就像是有魔力的匪幫暴力似的。華盛頓郵報(The Washington Post)的專欄作者大衛·米爾斯(David Mills)這么寫道:這些街頭的硬核說唱歌手用“真實”來捍衛了他們的暴力的歌詞。但是槍聲卻充斥了他們的歌曲,他們並不想讓“真實”變得戲劇性——一個男子倒在地上,胸脯碰到地面,慢慢的等待死亡的降臨。對他們來講,還是想像自己開槍比較容易。("The hard-core street rappers defend their violent lyrics as a reflection of 'reality.' But for all the gunshots they mix into their music, rappers rarely try to dramatize that reality — a young man flat on the ground, a knot of lead in his chest, pleading as death slowly takes him in. It's easier for them to imagine themselves pulling the trigger".)但是威奇托鷹標報(Wichita Eagle-Beacon)的作者伯德·諾曼(Bud Norman)卻認為:“N.W.A並不想把音樂變得有趣......他們的描述是不按個人道德標準進行評定的,就像堪薩斯州的龍捲風一般。 ("They [N.W.A] don't make it sound like much fun... They describe it with the same nonjudgmental resignation that a Kansan might use about a tornado.")
這張專輯最具爭議的歌曲,便是"Fuck tha Police",這首歌的存在可以說和N.W.A所獲得的綽號“世界上最危險的組合(World's Most Dangerous Group)"有密切關係,這首歌在乾淨版中是沒有的。"Gangsta Gangsta"講述了南洛杉磯和康普頓(Compton)的暴力和危險。"Express Yourself"表達了對自由表達上的意見,即不應該手電台的重編輯。除了DJ Yella,所有的N.W.A成員都錄製了個人獨唱的曲目,Dr.Dre的製作則遠遠多於他的說唱。Eazy-E的唯一一首獨唱歌曲是混音版的"8 Ball"——一首曾經在專輯"N.W.A and the Posse"中出現的歌曲。Ice Cube獨唱了"A Bitch iz A Bitch"和"I Ain't tha 1"。MC Ren獨唱了"It Ain't Ruff"和"Quiet on tha Set"。專輯的唯一一位特別嘉賓是Ruthless旗下的The D.O.C.,在專輯中多以寫詞者(即Dr.Dre的捉刀人),他還在歌曲 "Parental Discretion Iz Advised"的開頭進行了演唱。N.W.A的創始人之一Arabian Prince演唱了"Something 2 Dance 2"的第一段。
專輯中有七首歌被收錄在N.W.A的精選集Greatest Hits中, "Gangsta Gangsta", "Fuck tha Police","Straight Outta Compton(extended mix)", "If It Ain't Ruff" ,"I Ain't tha 1"和 "Express Yourself"。在再製作版本中,又添加了一首隱藏歌曲"A Bitch iz A Bitch"。不像Ice-T,N.W.A的Straight Outta Compton有著更多的社會的批判和影射。AMG認為專輯就是“升起的地獄”一般,“反映了對流行說唱的對抗。”
在電子藝術(DigitaArts)的最佳專輯封面評選中,Straight Outta Compton占有一席之位。網站如此評論道:“艾米納姆(Eminem)並沒有對壞蛋的圖像的壟斷——N.W.A超棒的Straight Outta Compton的封面綜合了社會的評論和至今仍然是標誌的邪惡的觀點。封面展示了一個持槍射擊他人的人、被Eazy-E手中的槍射擊的人的觀點。這種將藝術和政治的融合講N.W.A引入了大眾的意識之中。這樣一個重磅炸彈,因為它的封面和歌詞,單曲都史無前例的被MTV完全禁止。所以說,對抗是它最好的藝術。”(Eminem doesn’t have a monopoly of bad-boy imagery – NWA’s awesome Straight Outta Compton cover is mix of social comment and bad-ass attitude that still hits the mark today. The cover shows the viewpoint of a person who’s either been shot, or about to be shot, by the gun in Eazy-E’s hand – a fusion of art and politics that was to shoot NWA into the public consciousness. A surprise hit, as the lyrics and cover ensured an MTV ban and virtually zero airplay. Confrontational art at its best.)
專輯在1989年登上音樂排行榜,在公告牌最佳LP(Billboard Top LP)中獲得第37名,公告牌最佳R&BLP(Billboard Top R&B LP)中獲得第九。 專輯在2003年時再次上榜,在UK最佳75專輯中獲得了第35名,在愛爾蘭最佳75專輯中獲得了第20名。專輯總計賣出了超過三百萬份,專輯在1992年3月17日獲得了RIAA的白金唱片證明,Straight Outta Compton是N.W.A賣的最好的專輯。他們的第一張專輯,N.W.A and the Posse得到了金唱片認證,最後一張專輯Efil4zaggin則是白金認證。根據Priority廠牌的統計,專輯的80%的銷售都在郊區——一個超越界限的黑人區。
專輯自發行就收到廣大好評,芝加哥評論(Chicago Tribuno)給了Straight Outta Compton3.5星/4星的評價,並讚揚了專輯的製作。里奇蒙時報(RTD)的馬克·霍姆伯格(Mark Holmberg)把專輯描述為:“像牧師傳道般的,令人瘋狂的,直擊現實的描述了沉溺於匪幫,駕車掃射,狂交,警察的嘯叫和種族主義的專輯。("a preacher-provoking, mother-maddening, reality-stinks diatribe that wallows in gangs, doping, drive-by shootings, brutal sexism, cop slamming and racism")一周新聞(Newsweek)則認為專輯是“記錄了一些從未被製作過的荒誕的,令人興奮的音樂的專輯("introduced some of the most grotesquely exciting music ever made"),“暗示了匪幫的起源,推銷了自己,關注了匪幫戰鬥的其實與發展並增添了它的神秘感( "Hinting at gang roots, and selling themselves on those hints, they project a gangster mystique that pays no attention where criminality begins and marketing lets off")緊隨著2002年專輯的再版發行,滾石雜誌(Rolling Stone)把Straight Outta Compton稱為嘻哈(Hip Hop)史上最為現象級的專輯之一,並且認為其為“ 就如誇張的,喧囂的轎車駛過洛杉磯焦土般的、被忽視的貧民區。
Chicago Tribuno
Robert Christgau
Los Angeles Times
Pitchfork Media
Rolling Stone
Yahoo Music
2003年,VH1在電視網路上宣布N.W.A的Straight Outta Compton為史上最佳專輯的第62名。專輯還登上了旋轉雜誌(Spin)的“百大最佳專輯,1985年~2005年”。1998年,專輯被選為了源泉(Source)雜誌的百大最佳專輯。專輯還在滾石(Rolling Stone)的500大全時間最佳專輯(500 Greatest Albums of All Time)中排行第144名,同時也是N.W.A的唯一一張上榜專輯和第一張滾石首次評分即給出5星的嘻哈專輯。喜劇家克里斯·洛克在2005年是為滾石雜誌攥寫了有關25大最佳專輯的文章,Straight Outta Compton居於首位。專輯還在Acclaimedmusic的最佳專輯評選中居於109名。2006年,專輯被收錄於書籍1001張你死前應當聽的專輯(1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die)中。同年,時代周刊(Time)也把專輯選入了周刊的百大最佳專輯。Q雜誌(Q)把專輯選為了1988年的首位標誌性名稱。抉擇新聞報(Alternative Press)把專輯評為“最佳專輯85年~95年”的第45名。盛世雜誌(Vibe)將專輯選錄了雜誌的二十世紀100大不可或缺的專輯。電子藝術(DigtiaArts)雜誌把專輯的封面選入為25大最佳專輯封面。
It's My Thing - Marva Whitney (1969) Funky Drummer - James Brown(1970) Feel Good - Fancy (1974) The Boogie Back - Roy Ayers Ubiquity (1974) Funky President - James Brown (1974) Ruthless Villain-Eazy- E feat. MC Ren (1988)
Gangsta Gangsta
N.T. - Kool & the Gang(1971) Funky Worm - Ohio Players (1972) Troglodyte (Cave Man) - The Jimmy Castor Bunch (1972) Impeach the Presiden t- The Honey Drippers (1973) Sonnet to My Idol - Lady Reed (1974) Be Thankful for What You Go t- William DeVaughn (1974) God Make Me Funky - The Headhunters feat. Pointer Sisters (1975) Take the Money and Run - Steve Miller Band (1976) Weak at the Knees - Steve Arrington (1983) La Di Da Di - Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick(1985) (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!) - Beastie Boys(1986) Eazy-Duz - It-Eazy-E (1988) My Philosophy - Boogie Down Productions(1988)
I Ain't tha 1
The Message (Inspiration) - Brass Construction (1976)
Quiet on tha Set
Funky Drummer - James Brown (1970) Funky President - James Brown (1974) Scratchin' - The Magic Disco Machine (1975) Rock Creek Park - The Blackbyrds (1975) I Get Lifted - KC & the Sunshine Band (1975) Take the Money and Run - Steve Miller Band (1976) Catch a Groove - Juice (1976) Bring It Here - Wild Sugar (1981) Ruthless Villain - Eazy-E feat. MC Ren (1988) Straight Outta Compton - N.W.A (1988)
Something 2 Dance 2
Dance to the Music - Sly & the Family Stone (1968) You're the One for Me - D-Train (1981)
Something Like That
Take the Money and Run - Steve Miller Band (1976)
Straight Outta Compton
Amen, Brother - The Winstons (1969) Get Me Back on Time, Engine #9 - Wilson Pickett (1970) You'll Like It Too - Funkadelic (1981) West Coast Poplock - Ronnie Hudson & The Street People (1982)
If It Ain't Ruff
A Star in the Ghetto - Average White Band and Ben E. King (1977) Ruthless Villain - Eazy-E feat. MC Ren (1988) Don't Believe the Hype - Public Enemy(1988)
A Bitch iz A Bitch
Papa Was Too - Joe Tex (1966)
Compton's in the House(Remix)
It's My Turn - Dezo Daz feat. DJ Slip (1987) Cinderfella Dana Dane - Dana Dane (1987)
Straight Outta Compton (Extended Version)
Murder Game - The J to the D (1991)
Radio - Eazy-E
Express Yourself
Down 2 Tha Last Roach - Eazy-E feat. Ash Trey and B.G. Knocc Out (1993) I Can't Stand It - The Prophet (DJ) (1996) Reality of 98 (Shimon Remix) - Pascal (1998)
Fuck tha Police
One Time Gaffled Em Up - Compton's Most Wanted (1990) Untouchable - Above the Law(1990) Endangered Species (Tales From the Darkside) - Ice Cube feat. Chuck D (1990) Live 2 Die - K-Stony Jamm (1990) AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted - Ice Cube (1990) Who's F***ing Who? - Compton's Most Wanted (1992) Protect & Serve - UGK(1994) La Haine - Cut Killer (1996) Cruel Summer - Ace of Base (1998) Classik - Assassin (2000) Where My Heart's At - Wax Tailor feat. The Others (2004) Gold and a Pager - The Cool Kids (2008) Fuck the Police - !Trash Yourself (2008)
Gangsta Gangsta
Microphone Massacre - Throwdown Academy (1988) Gangsta/Hype Mix - Underground Posse (1988) The Nigga Ya Love to Hate - Ice Cube (1990) Behind Closed Doors - WC and The Maad Circle (1991) Crooked Ass Nigga - 2Pac(1991) 8 Ball - DJ Quik(1991) My Brother's a Basehead - De La Soul (1991) Growin' Up in the Hood - Compton's Most Wanted(1991) Fuckin' Wit a Psycho - X-Raided (1992) Who's Fucking Who? - Compton's Most Wanted (1992) This Is a Gang - Compton's Most Wanted (1992) Gangsta Story - Smokin Suckaz Wit Logic (1993) Fuck the Security Guards - Niggaz With Hats (1994) Granny Says Kick Yo Black Ass - Tasty Taste (1994) Cancel 'Em All Out - Barry Blue (1994) Ladies & Gentlemen, Presenting... - Buckshot LeFonque (1994) Who're You Fucking With - Innerchild (1995) Bury Me Alive - Twiztid feat. Violent J (1999) Early Mornin' Tony - Felt (2005) No More Fun and Games - The Game(2005) We Still Here - Bleu DaVinci, E-40 and Fabolous (2006 )Stretch Marks and Cigarette Burns - Blaq Poet feat. Panchi and Imani Montana (2009) Natalie's Rap - The Lonely Island feat. Natalie Portman and Chris Parnell (2009) Eff U - Reks (2010)
Eazy-er Said Than Dunn - Eazy-E (1988) E Get Shift - King Tee (1990) Ruthless Bitch - Tairrie B. (1990)
Something 2 Dance 2
Cali Cuts - DJ Maestro (1988) The Woman in Me - Silk Tymes Leather (1990) Something to Dance To - Run Tings (1992) Intergalactic Ride - Buzz Fuzz (1995) Party Affair - DJ BoozyWoozy (2001) Let the Bass Kick - DJ Chuckie (2008)
Straight Outta Compton
Quiet on Tha Set - N.W.A (1988) Scarface - Geto Boys (1989) All I Wanna Do... - Full Force feat. Samantha Fox (1989) Murder Rap - Above the Law (1990) Spin to the Grooveline (Convoy Mix) - The Box (1990) Now - Meat Beat Manifesto (1990) AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted - Ice Cube (1990) Cummin’ at Cha - EPMDfeat. Das EFX (1992) Murderahh - Live Squad (1992) Slaughter - Ganksta N-I-P (1992) El-Bland-E - The Men From Del Bosca (1992) Hit the Floor - Compton's Most Wanted (1992) Cummin’ at Cha - EPMD feat. Das EFX (1992) El-Bland-E - The Men From Del Bosca (1992) Murderahh - Live Squad (1992) There Is No Law - Messiah (1993) Street Knowledge (The Lost Track) - Doc Scott (1993) Sicilian Brown - Bass Cube (1993) Ool Lortnoc - Jimmy J & Cru-L-T feat. J.D.S. (1994) Bad Bad Motherfucker - Bazooka (1995) In the Mix - DJ Seduction (1995) Who're You Fucking With by Innerchild (1995) Live Intro (1989) - N.W.A (1996) Everyday - Marvellous Cain and Bizzy B (1996) Michael Jackson - Fatboy Slim (1996) Matemática Na Prática - GOG feat. Japão (1998) Streetknowledge - DJ Niel and DJ Kristof (2000) Straight Outta Q.B. - Cormega, Blaq Poet and Jungle (2000) Kaos Theory - DJ Ink (2001) Ghetto Classics - Ricky V. Valentine (2003) P.H.I.L.L.Y. (VIP) - Trust feat. Mental Sharp (2005) Bolivia - Esham (2005) Rollin' With Saget - Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone feat. Bob Saget (2005) Bluntz & Beatz (Straight Outta Deathchant) - Bryan Fury (2006) Street Knowledge - Rocco (2006) That's How I'm Goin' Out - The Cenobites (2008) For the City - Statik Selektah feat. M.O.P. and Jadakiss(2008) Bang!!! (Grind Time Anthem) - Killer Mike (2008) Freedom - Fashawn (2009) This Is the Remix - Girl Talk (2010) Rap Song - T-Painfeat. Rick Ross(2010) Street Knowledge - Fiend (2011) Paradize City - Evol Intent (2011)
A Bitch iz A Bitch
It's a Man's World - Ice Cube feat. Yo-Yo (1990) The Nigga Ya Love to Hate - Ice Cube (1990) Bitch Betta Have My Money - AMG (1991) No Vaseline - Ice Cube (1991) Look Who's Burnin' - Ice Cube (1991) Down 2 Tha Last Roach - Eazy-E feat. Ash Trey and B.G. Knocc Out (1993) Bichasniguz - Onyx (1993) Da Bitchez - Jeru the Damaja (1994) The Bitch in Yoo - Common (1996) Cold Cutz - Cold Cutz Crew (1999) Science Fiction - DJ Shiro (1999) Bitches & Sisters - Jay-Z(2002) Without Me - Eminem(2002) A Bitch I Knew - Snoop Dogg feat. Traci Nelson (2006) Bitch - Spank Rock and Benny Blanco (2007) For You - Joe Budden feat. Royce Da 5'9'' (2009)
Express Yourself (Extended Mix)
W.F.L. (Think About the Future Remix) - Happy Mondays (1989) Crew From the North - Ruthless Rap Assassins (1990) Stop Al Panico - Isola Posse All Stars (1991) Rush Hour (Last Minute Mix) - Wishdokta (1992) The Element (High Noon) - 4 Hero (1993) Rough Like Me - M-Beat (1993) Omen III - Magic Affair (1994) Jump N' Shout - Basement Jaxx (1998) Moskovskiy Old School (Moscow Old School) - Bad Balance (1998) Express Yourself '08 - Statik Selektah feat. Termanology, Talib Kweli and Consequence (2007) Oh No - Girl Talk (2010)
Compton's in the House(Remix)
Microphone Massacre - Throwdown Academy (1988) Born and Raised in Compton - DJ Quik (1991) Invisbl Skratch Piklz vs. Da Klamz Uv Deth - Invisibl Skratch Piklz (1997) Forgot About Dre - Dr. Drefeat. Eminem (1999) The One and Only - Snoop Dogg(2002)