Stina Nordenstam生於1969年3月4日,瑞典斯德哥爾摩,一名實驗流行歌手、歌曲作者和音樂人。Stina的獨特氣聲很容易讓人聯想到Rickie Lee Jones和Björk。她早期的專輯,如《Memories Of A Colour》和《She Closed Her Eyes》有著濃厚的爵士氣息和些許的另類搖滾意味。
Stina Nordenstam從1997年的專輯《Dynamite》開始,她踏上了一條更黑暗、更具實驗性的音樂道路,之後多數她的專輯都充斥著過度處理的、扭曲的電聲吉他和與眾不同的節拍。不過,仔細聆聽之後,人們依舊可以發現她獨一無二的歌曲創作能力。繼1998年的《People Are Strange》之後,她於2001年發行了專輯《This Is Stina Nordenstam》,一張歌曲相對較短、較為流行的唱片(與前Suede歌手Brett Anderson合作了兩首歌),感覺依舊獨具風格。在2003年,她與丹麥前衛搖滾樂隊Mew在該樂隊的第二張專輯《Half The World Is Watching Me》合作了一曲。此曲隨後收錄在Mew的首張國際專輯《Frengers》中。她於2004年發行的專輯《The World Is Saved》延續了《This Is Stina Nordensta》風格,但聲音更易接受,再現了她早期的爵士風格。
深居簡出的她很少接受訪談,也很少參加現場表演,她甚至經常在專輯和雜誌封面以變換假髮和化妝來改變自己的形象。在專輯《The World Is Saved》期間,她接受了較以前更多的訪談,也談及以後現場表演的可能性。
And She Closed Her Eyes (1994) 專輯:And She Closed Her EyesAnd She Closed Her Eyes
類型:Indie Pop
1. When Debbie's Back From Texas
2. Viewed From The Spire
3. Crime
4. Fireworks
5. Proposal
6. Little Star
7. Hopefully Yours
8. Murder in Mairyland Park
9. I See You Again
10. Something Nice
11. And She Closed Her Eyes
Dynamite (1996) 專輯:DynamiteDynamite
類型:Indie Pop
1. Under Your Command
2. Dynamite
3. Almost A Smile
4. Mary Bell
5. Man With The Gun
6. Until
7. This Time John
8. CQD
9. Down Desire Avenue
10. Now That Your Leaving
People Are Strange (1998) 專輯:People Are StrangePeople Are Strange
類型:Indie Pop
1. Sailing
2. I Dream Of Jeannie (With Light Brown Hair)
3. Love Hurts
4. Lonesome Road
5. Bird On A Wire
6. Purple Rain
7. Swallow strings
8. He's like a swallow
9. Reason to believe
10. I came so far for beauty
11. Come to me
12. People are strange
This Is Stina Nordenstam (2001) 專輯:This Is Stina NordenstamThis Is Stina Nordenstam
類型:Indie Pop
1. Everyone ELse In The World
2. Trainsurfing
3. So Lee
4. The Driver
5. Circus
6. Stations
7. Keen Yellow Planet
8. Lori Glory
9. Welcome To Happiness
10. Clothe Yourself For The Wind
11. Sharon & Hope
The World Is Saved (2004) 專輯:The World Is SavedThe World Is Saved
類型:Indie Pop
1. Get On With Your Life
2. Winter Killing
3. On Falling
4. Parliament Square
5. I'm Staring Out The World
6. From Cayman Islands With Love
7. The Morning Belongs To The Night
8. 125
9. Butterfly
10. The World Is Saved
11. The End Of A Love Affair
Memories of a Color (1992)
Another Story Girl (1993)
Little Star first release (1994)
Little Star remixes (1994)
Something Nice (1994)
The Photographer's Wife E.P. (1996)
Dynamite (1997)
Little Star re-issued after use in the movie soundtrack Romeo + Juliet (1997)
People Are Strange (1998)
Lori Glori (2001) (promotional single release only)
Sharon & Hope (2002) (promotional single release only)
Get On With Your Life (2004)
Parliament Square (2005)
1969年出生,成長於Stockholm,Stina身上不乏那份獨特優雅的北歐氣質,但在古典爵士音樂的薰陶下成長的她又是獨一無二的,她那“無形態”的聲音,演唱時而如憂鬱病患的呢喃,時而如神秘的竊言私語,更多時候則是沉浸於水中的模糊發音。她的歌聲甜,而不膩,自創的歌曲旋律脫俗,由於結合了各流派的Elements而自成一派(比方Murder in Maryland Park加入了拉丁語聖歌)。她作品的歌詞有時比較難以理解,但大致上是有關於自己的生活經驗及對某事的感受再創作,受父母影響,其思想稍左傾,對社會較為關切,從歌詞中可見。雖然內容和情感深切,但整體感覺卻是寂靜地,常常散發出淡淡的無奈和憂傷。