Steelmate Car Alarm

Steelmate Car Alarm

《Steelmate Car Alarm》是一款IOS平台的套用。


  • 軟體名稱:Steelmate Car Alarm
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 軟體大小:22.2MB
  • 價格:免費
  • 支持版本:iOS 4.3 或更高版本
鐵將軍iPhone版引擎鎖-適用於iPhone的套用 用iPhone自動鎖引擎或自動解除引擎鎖! 引擎鎖與iPhone藍牙匹配後,車主攜帶iPhone手機進入感應範圍。引擎鎖自動感應連線,解除引擎鎖,車輛可以正常啟動。 當iPhone手機離開引擎鎖感應範圍,引擎鎖自動鎖止引擎,當系統處於鎖止狀態時,即便是用原車鑰匙,也無法將車輛啟動,從而給愛車增加了一道無形的安全保障。 由於引擎鎖是一套與iPhone手機獨立運作的車輛安全防範系統,所以原車遙控器與防盜系統將不會受到任何影響。 產品特點: 1. 引擎鎖與iPhone手機完全自動連線,勿需操作,使用非常方便。 2. 引擎鎖與iPhone構成獨立系統,原車遙控器及防盜系統不受影響。 3. 引擎鎖的開啟和關閉可任意選擇。 4. 引擎鎖與iPhone智慧型感應,給愛車增加一道無形的鎖。 Steelmate Car Alarm for iPhone Lock and unlock the engine automatically by iPhone After Bluetooth pairing between iPhone and the system, the engine will unlock automatically when it detected an authorized iPhone, and the vehicle can be started. Dual protection for your car, the engine will lock automatically, when it detected an authorized iPhone has away from the car and the vehicle can not be started. Smart Car Alarm is an independent system, which use iPhone to lock and unlock the engine. It will not affect the original car alarm system. Features: 1. The engine locks and unlocks itself according to the proximity of the iPhone without any operation 2. Independent system will not affect the original car alarm system. 3. You can set Engine Lock function ON or OFF in App. 4. Intelligent alarm with iPhone, set a hidden lock for engine.問題修復: 1. 修復用戶配對硬體後,默認名稱出現字母的問題 Bug fix: 1. Fixing the default display name after pairing to the hardware.

