Spanning Silos

Spanning Silos

《Spanning Silos》是Harvard Business School Press出版的圖書,作者是David A. Aaker


  • ISBN:9781422128763
  • 作者:David A. Aaker
  • 出版社:Harvard Business School Press
  • 出版時間:2008年10月21日
  • 頁數:240
  • 定價:USD 29.95
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
Powerful product, country, and functional silos are jeopardizing companies' marketing efforts. Because ofsilos, firms misallocate resources, send inconsistent messages to the marketplace, and fail to leverage scale economies and successes--all of which can threaten a company's survival. As David Aaker shows in Spanning Silos, the unfettered decentralization that produces silo...(展開全部) Powerful product, country, and functional silos are jeopardizing companies' marketing efforts. Because ofsilos, firms misallocate resources, send inconsistent messages to the marketplace, and fail to leverage scale economies and successes--all of which can threaten a company's survival. As David Aaker shows in Spanning Silos, the unfettered decentralization that produces silos is no longer feasible in today's marketplace. It's up to chief marketing officers to break down silo walls to foster cooperation and synergy. This isn't easy: silo teams guard their autonomy vigorously. As proof of their power, consider the fact that the average CMO tenure is just twenty-three months. How to proceed? Drawing on interviews with CMOs, Aaker explains how to: Strength your credibility with silo teams and your CEO Use cross-functional teams and other strategic linking devices Foster communication across silos Select the right CMO role-- from facilitator to strategic captain Develop common planning processes Adapt your brand strategy to silo units Allocate marketing dollars strategically across silos Develop silo-spanning marketing programs In this age of dynamic markets, new media, and globalization, getting the different parts of your organization to collaborate is more critical--and more difficult--than ever. This book gives you the road map you need to accomplish that feat.

