Sofia Marikh

Sofia Marikh

簡介:摩洛哥女歌手Sofia Marikh(全名Sofia El Marikh,中譯索非亞)是一個美麗的女孩,1982年出生在摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡,國小和中學是在卡薩布蘭卡渡過。索菲亞有美麗的面孔和優美的聲音,她不僅是歌手,是一種模式,索非亞獲得了很多球迷、冬粉網站和團體支持。Sofia El Marikh是一名及其優秀的阿拉伯女歌手!


  • 中文名:Sofia Marikh
  • 性別:女
  • 出生年:1982年
  • 作品:Aktar Biktir,Baheb Fik


Sofia is a beautiful Morrocan woman born in Casablanca in 1982. Her father is
Casablancais (of Casablanca). Sofia grew in Casablanca and primary school and
secondary school was in Casablanca.
She joined Star Academy to improve her singing abilities and out of curiosity. She is
good at playing the guitar and composing French lyrics. She has her own style of a
coquette; a sweet, cute, quiet girl. During the first weeks of Star Academy she fell from
4,5m and injured her back in the sports class at the academy. This injury left her unable
to move freely for few weeks.
During her stay at the academy Sofia El Marikh became best friends with Bachar El
Shatti and Cynthia Karam. She left the academy on Friday the 5th of March 2004 when she was nominated
against Kuwaiti student Bachar Al Shatti who had a lot of popularity.
Sophia beautiful face and voice, made her not only a singer but also a model. Sofia
gained lots of fans and fan sites and groups on the net who all support her and love her.
Sofia El Marikh is very natural and sensitive person.
Sofia marikh was able to attract the heart of people and gain the love and attention of
the audience with her unique performance during all the primes.
Reports that Sofia is depressed and that she is not happy have flourished as her
attempts to commit suicide were not confirmed.


Sofia 出生於1982年,摩洛哥的卡薩布蘭卡,她父親是當地人。 Sofia 是一位美麗聰慧的女孩。 Sofia成長在卡薩布蘭卡,並在那裡度過了國小和中學時代。
之後,Sofia參加了阿拉伯世界的著名選秀節目 - 明星學院。她非常善於彈吉他和創作抒情類的歌詞。她有著自己獨特的風格:甜美、可愛、伶俐、文靜。在Star學院的第一周,在一堂體育課上,Sofia從4米多處摔下,背部受傷,這使得她連續數周不能自由活動。求學期間,Sofia結識了Bachar El Shatti和Cynthia Karam。 她2004年3月5日(星期五)畢業。當即受到當時小有名氣的科威特人Bachar Al Shatti的提名。
Sofia充滿活力的表演總是能吸引觀眾的眼球,得到無數的傾慕和關注 。
Sofia El Marikh是一名及其優秀的阿拉伯女歌手!
推薦歌曲:Aktar Biktir,Baheb Fik(必聽,我之最愛,非常及其耐聽好聽),Is Alni Ana,Mich Ma3'oul

