My Bloody Valentine曾對他們在吉他對聲音的處理上有過直接影響。Cocteau Twins和Byrds也對他們的影響頗深。他們也擔心患上這種大雜燴綜合症,並抱怨英國媒體對他們的首張專集期望過高,巴不得他們立馬得到象當年的Cocteau和MBV一樣的尊重。當然這個問題也主要源於Pale Saints、Ride、Bleach以及Slowdive這些樂隊自己的一系列極好的演出,是他們自身給大家造成了一個印象:這些先前從未聽說過的樂隊帶來了最好的音樂。Slowdive也許有些特別的運氣因為在1991年期間,Melody Maker曾給他們一個禮拜準備他們的專集,而且一個在NME的評論家也曾給予他們讚譽因為他也覺得上次發表的評論是不公平的。
1995年2月2日,Slowdive樂隊被Creation公司首次包裝在IRC上。在Slowdive的一份時事通訊上,他們發表了一份聲明:即將發行一張向Galaxie 500的“Fourth of July”致敬的專集。該本來要由西班牙的Elefant唱片公司發行,但就我所知,這張專集很不幸的從未發行,而且永不會發行,至少不會有Slowdive,因為就在1995年4月--在Pygmalion剛發行不久,Creation公司就和他們斷交了。
這件事影響了pygmalion這張專集在美國的發行,他們開始尋找新的廠牌。傳聞說Rachel和Neil給4AD送了份demo,也得到4AD的積極回響。後來傳言被證實。Rachel、Ian和Neil組成了Mojave 3並於1995年夏季簽約4AD。Rachel Goswell說:“在那(Pygmalion)以後,Slowdive更象一個不能分割的整體,缺一不可。我們也不再適合繼續沿用老名字了,我們需要一個全新的開始。”到現在為止,Mojave 3現在已經發行了兩張極有才氣的專集(Ask Me Tomorrow和Out of Tune)以及兩張單曲(Who Do You Love和Some Kinda Angel).
如過把Shoegazing這種音樂想像成一種畫面,我腦海里第一個會浮現的是slowdive的專輯《JUST FOR A DAY》的封面。被大量的黃系的色塊覆蓋,具有古典意味的層次感,而色調卻是溫暖的黃色。這在一次證明了,slowdive與同時期其他Shoegazing樂隊的不同。
在這張專輯中,連歌的長度都縮至最小,比如那首著名的VISION OF LA只有2分多鐘,卻可以引來聽眾的無窮想像.另外,這張專輯也讓我們看到了日後MOJAVE 3的音樂走向.
1. Rutti
2. Crazy for you
3. Miranda
4. Trellisaze
5. Cello
6. J's heaven
7. Visions of la
8. Blue skied an' clear
9. All of us
專輯名稱:Catch The Breeze
專輯歌手:SlowdiveCatch The Breeze.jpg
借用Airkissing轉的介紹:Slowdive 這個名字,來源於 Neil Halstead 的一個夢。1989年,來自英國的 Neil 和他的老同學 Rachel Goswell 組建了這支樂隊,並以 Slowdive 為名。早期的 Slowdive 深受 My Bloody Valentine 和 Sonic Youth 的影響。但是他們顯然有自己的想法:Slowdive 逐漸成長為類似 Cocteau Twins 風格的唯美而低調的樂隊,一支“Shoegazine”樂隊。Slowdive 在95年發行了專輯《Pygmalion》之後被唱片公司解約,今天人們說這是一張非常優美和簡約的作品,只是當時他們得到的是悲慘的銷量。所幸的是他們音樂的方向已經清晰可見了。很快樂隊與 4AD 有了新的契約,用的是 Mojave 3 這個新名字,以及相對收斂的音樂手法。在琮琮般地鋼琴聲、空心鋼弦滑音吉他、斑鳩琴於小喇叭等樂器的簡約配置下,如詩般詞句與呢喃便悄悄地帶領每位聽者,就有如躲藏在霧氣中歌唱的天使一般,在每一個音符間釋放情意的夢幻樂音,輕易地將樂迷攫獲。
Unless you're indifferent to packaging or new to Slowdive, a dull pain is bound to form in your head after one glance at Catch the Breeze, a baffling two-disc anthology that could be mistaken for a live bootleg put together in the '90s. It does have the looks of those mysterious live discs "imported from Italy" that materialized during the latter of the decade — complete with a cover depicting a thumb-sized Slowdive dwarfed by a field of giant dandelions! Beyond the blurry photos, there are typos as well: though the liner notes from Uncut's Paul Lester add legitimacy, it's doubtful he intended to use a word like "atmospherica." The greater matter, however, is the point of the whole thing. Slowdive is one of those bands that should not be anthologized; their three albums should be remastered and expanded with non-album A-sides, B-sides, and obscurities, and any grouping of their songs pulled at random is bound to be as consistent and representative as the next. Moreover, how silly is it to release an introduction containing well over half of the songs that were released commercially? If anything, this will adequately satiate those who don't have the means to track down copies of the singles and albums, all of which were out of print — yet not difficult to locate, Pygmalion excepted — at the time of this set's release. Completists, on the other hand, have one piece of bait — the Peel Session version of the Syd Barrett cover "Golden Hair," where Neil Halstead takes Rachel Goswell's place on vocals (peculiarly enough, both recorded versions appear here, with only three tracks between them in the sequence). Glaring reservations aside, Catch the Breeze traces the developments of a band that, during several years of activity, never stumbled. They made some of the best slow jams for disheveled sleep-loving collegiates during the '90s, all of which continue to float, drift, soothe, and arouse with as much supernatural glow as ever.
——Andy Kellman
CD 1:
01 Slowdive 05:15
02 Avalyn I 04:51
03 Morningrise 04:19
04 Catch The Breeze 04:17
05 Golden Hair 04:01
06 Shine 05:20
07 Albatross 05:14
08 Golden Hair 03:41
09 Spanish Air 05:57
10 So Tired 04:03
11 Alison 03:48
12 Country Rain 03:33
13 Machine Gun 04:21
14 When The Sun Hits 04:45
CD 2:
01 40 Days 03:15
02 Souvlaki Space Station 05:58
03 Dagger 03:30
04 Here She Comes 02:16
05 Melon Yellow 03:51
06 Sing 04:49
07 Blue Skied An' Clear 06:52
08 Crazy For You 05:59
09 J's Heaven 06:46
10 Vision Of La 01:45
11 Rutti 10:03
專輯名稱:Blue Day
專輯歌手:SlowdiveBlue Day
Blue Day is a summary of the Slowdive, Morningrise, and Holding Our Breath EPs, minus "Catch the Breeze," "Golden Hair," and "Avalyn II." It was initially released in Japan, France, and a couple of other countries, and it was also included with the first 1000 CD copies of Souvlaki sold in the U.S. and U.K. It's an excellent document of their pre-Just for a Day material.